Music visualization, a feature found in electronic music visualizers and media player software, generates animated imagery based on a piece of music. The imagery is usually generated and rendered in real time and in a way synchronized with the music as it is played.
3D Grid - Audio visualizer built with HTML5 web audio API by rickycodes.
obsidian - 3D Audio Visualization made by the creator of Three.js.
TRIF - GIF-based online radio visualization using webaudio API and raw CSS
Audiograph - Amazing audio visualization made by Matt DesLauriers.
Scribble Audio - Draw loops of sound with this web synthesizer.
Touchpianist - play a piano and look all animations along the screen.
PartyMode - An experimental music visualizer using d3.js and the web audio api.
DJi - Clean music visualizer from SoundCloud or self uploaded.
VR Ondes Martenot - A playable rendition of the Ondes Martenot in Virtual Reality.
Popcorn - Little audio-reactive sketch by Hugh Kennedy.
Musical Interactions - Some experimental ideas for playful musical interactions.
ClubberToy Several shadertoys, rewired with clubber, bundled as a vj app.
Andantino Listen some notes and try to find same notes on the keyboard.
Vissonance A collection of audio visualizers built in THREE.js.
ShowCQTBar - Audio spectrum visualization with musical scale.
Weekly Music Visualizations Weekly music visualization experiments built with Three.js and p5.js by Suraya Shivji.
Audio Visualizer - An interesting web audio visualizer built with Pixi.js.
YouTube Musical Spectrum - A browser extension that offers audio visualization on your YouTube page with nice musical notes.
Just Dance - A 3D Audio Visualization made with BabylonJS & 2D Perlin Noise.
audioMotion - High-resolution real-time audio spectrum analyzer and full-featured music player written in JavaScript. Includes binaries for Windows, Linux and macOS.
p5.js Audio Visualizer - A powerful, beat- and amplitude-responsive audio visualizer created with p5.sound , on an HTML5 Canvas by Amanda Yeh.
Experiments on Codepen
SVG Animated Drum Kit - Play an amazing Drum made with SVG and realistic sounds by @iamjoshellis.
SVG Animated Guitar - Play an amazing Guitar made with SVG and realistic sounds by @iamjoshellis.
Audio Visualizer - Abstract Audio Visualizer using Three.js by Francesco Trillini
Awesome Audio Player - Radial Audio Player constructed by lines of frequency and amplitude by Alex Permyakov
Wireframes - Wireframe WebGL Animation with Three.js by Patrick Heng
Soundcloud Vinyl Search - An amazing experiment creating a realistic Vinyl player using DrawSVG and GSAP by Chris Gannon.
Gooey Effect Audio - Upload your mp3 and visualize the song with this crazy effect by Jeremy Karlsson.
CSS Audio Visualizer - Using audio frequency data from a hidden video to apply CSS scaling by Neil McCallion.
p5.js - A JavaScript library for creating graphic and interactive experiences, based on the core principles of Processing.
Pixi.js - A fast lightweight 2D library that works across all devices. The Pixi renderer allows everyone to enjoy the power of hardware acceleration without prior knowledge of WebGL.
sketch.js - Let’s you get straight to the fun parts of creative coding, without ever having to worry about shims or boilerplate code.
three.js - Three.js is a library that makes WebGL easy to use.
Two.js - A two-dimensional drawing API geared towards modern web browsers. It is renderer agnostic enabling the same API to draw in multiple contexts: SVG, Canvas, and WebGL.
BabylonJS - A complete JavaScript framework for building 3D games with HTML5, WebGL and Web Audio.
Cinder - A community-developed, free and open source library for professional-quality creative coding in C++.
Processing - An open source programming language and integrated development environment built for the electronic arts, new media art, and visual design communities.
HYPE_processing - Collection of Processing classes that performs heavy lifting tasks while using a minimal amount of code writing.
The Force - Live coded shader editing with audio input.
Hylogen - Purely functional language embedded in Haskell for expressive live coding of fragment shaders (with audio input).
Peaks.js - Modular client-side JavaScript component designed for the display of and interaction with audio waveform material in the browser.
Clubber.js - Application of music theory in audio reactive visualizations.
Vuo — A realtime visual programming language for interactive media.
wavesurfer.js - A customizable audio waveform visualization, built on top of Web Audio API and HTML5 Canvas
wavebell - A javascript voice recorder with realtime waveform, using web microphone
Circular Audio Wave - A JS library for audio visualization in circular wave using Web Audio API and ECharts