Awesome Lists with GitHub stars

Quick Look plugins Awesome

List of useful Quick Look plugins for developers


Using Homebrew

Install all

brew install qlcolorcode qlstephen qlmarkdown quicklook-json qlimagesize suspicious-package apparency quicklookase qlvideo
Catalina notes

To get plugins working in Catalina, you will need to remove the quarantine attribute.

Run this to see the attributes:

xattr -r ~/Library/QuickLook

And run this to remove the attributes:

xattr -d -r ~/Library/QuickLook



QLColorCode GitHub Repo Stars GitHub last commit

Preview source code files with syntax highlighting

Run brew install qlcolorcode or download manually GitHub Repo Stars GitHub last commit

 ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](

QLStephen GitHub Repo Stars GitHub last commit

Preview plain text files without or with unknown file extension. Example: README, CHANGELOG, index.styl, etc.

Run brew install qlstephen or download manually GitHub Repo Stars GitHub last commit

 ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](

QLMarkdown GitHub Repo Stars GitHub last commit

Preview Markdown files

Run brew install qlmarkdown or download manually GitHub Repo Stars GitHub last commit

 ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](


Preview JSON files

Run brew install quicklook-json or download manually

 ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](


Preview archives

Note: The BetterZipQL plugin was integrated with the BetterZip app.

Run brew install betterzip to install the BetterZip app and its Quick Look plugin or download manually

The legacy BetterZipQL plugin can be downloaded here.

 ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](

qlImageSize GitHub Repo Stars GitHub last commit

Display image size and resolution

Run brew install qlimagesize or download manually GitHub Repo Stars GitHub last commit

 ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](

Suspicious Package

Preview the contents of a standard Apple installer package

Run brew install suspicious-package or download manually

 ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](


Preview the contents of a macOS app

Run brew install apparency or download manually

 ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](

QuickLookASE GitHub Repo Stars GitHub last commit

Preview Adobe ASE Color Swatches generated with Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Color CC, Spectrum, COLOURlovers, Prisma, among many others.

Run brew install quicklookase or download manually GitHub Repo Stars GitHub last commit

 ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](

QLVideo GitHub Repo Stars GitHub last commit

Preview most types of video files, as well as their thumbnails, cover art and metadata

Run brew install qlvideo or download manually GitHub Repo Stars GitHub last commit

 ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](


These are not included in Install all.

Peek 💰

Peek allows you to copy and find text, jump to line numbers, render Github-flavored Markdown with a generated table of contents, restore scroll positions, highlight syntax, & more in the Quick Look previews of over 300 file extensions.

Purchase on the Mac App Store

 ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](

ProvisionQL GitHub Repo Stars GitHub last commit

Preview iOS / macOS app and provision information

Run brew install provisionql or download manually GitHub Repo Stars GitHub last commit

 ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](

QuickLookAPK GitHub Repo Stars GitHub last commit

Preview Android APK files

Run brew install quicklookapk or download manually GitHub Repo Stars GitHub last commit

 ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](

quicklook-pat GitHub Repo Stars GitHub last commit

Preview Adobe Photoshop pattern files

Run brew install quicklook-pat or download manually GitHub Repo Stars GitHub last commit

 ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](

WebP GitHub Repo Stars GitHub last commit

Preview WebP images

NOTE: This is already covered by qlImageSize, so this plugin is listed here only in case you do not like qlImageSize.

Run brew install webpquicklook or download manually GitHub Repo Stars GitHub last commit

 ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](

SourceCodeSyntaxHighlight GitHub Repo Stars GitHub last commit

Preview many different source code files

Run brew install --cask --no-quarantine syntax-highlight or download manually GitHub Repo Stars GitHub last commit

Note: This might overwrite some other Quick Look plugins.



To the extent possible under law, Sindre Sorhus has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.