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Awesome Question Answering Awesome

A curated list of the Question Answering (QA) subject which is a computer science discipline within the fields of information retrieval and natural language processing (NLP) toward using machine learning and deep learning

정보 검색 및 자연 언어 처리 분야의 질의응답에 관한 큐레이션 - 머신러닝과 딥러닝 단계까지
问答系统主题的精选列表,是信息检索和自然语言处理领域的计算机科学学科 - 使用机器学习和深度学习


Recent QA Models

About QA

Types of QA

Analysis and Parsing for Pre-processing in QA systems

Lanugage Analysis

  1. Morphological analysis
  2. Named Entity Recognition(NER)
  3. Homonyms / Polysemy Analysis
  4. Syntactic Parsing (Dependency Parsing)
  5. Semantic Recognition

Most QA systems have roughly 3 parts

  1. Fact extraction
    1. Entity Extraction
      1. Named-Entity Recognition(NER)
    2. Relation Extraction
  2. Understanding the question
  3. Generating an answer



Competitions in QA

  Dataset Language Organizer Since Top Rank Model Status Over Human Performance
0 Story Cloze Test English Univ. of Rochester 2016 msap Logistic regression Closed x
1 MS MARCO English Microsoft 2016 YUANFUDAO research NLP MARS Closed o
2 MS MARCO V2 English Microsoft 2018 NTT Media Intelli. Lab. Masque Q&A Style Opened x
3 SQuAD English Univ. of Stanford 2018 XLNet (single model) XLNet Team Closed o
4 SQuAD 2.0 English Univ. of Stanford 2018 PINGAN Omni-Sinitic ALBERT + DAAF + Verifier (ensemble) Opened o
5 TriviaQA English Univ. of Washington 2017 Ming Yan - Closed -
6 decaNLP English Salesforce Research 2018 Salesforce Research MQAN Closed x
7 DuReader Ver1. Chinese Baidu 2015 Tryer T-Reader (single) Closed x
8 DuReader Ver2. Chinese Baidu 2017 renaissance AliReader Opened -
9 KorQuAD Korean LG CNS AI Research 2018 Clova AI LaRva Team LaRva-Kor-Large+ + CLaF (single) Closed o
10 KorQuAD 2.0 Korean LG CNS AI Research 2019 Kangwon National University KNU-baseline(single model) Opened x
11 CoQA English Univ. of Stanford 2018 Zhuiyi Technology RoBERTa + AT + KD (ensemble) Opened o





Dataset Collections


The DeepQA Research Team in IBM Watson’s publication within 5 years

MS Research’s publication within 5 years

Google AI’s publication within 5 years

Facebook AI Research’s publication within 5 years



Contributions welcome! Read the contribution guidelines first.



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