Awesome Lists with GitHub stars

Awesome Read the Docs Awesome lint ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](

A curated list of awesome documentation projects, useful to learn from and for bootstrapping new documentation projects. Plus cool real-life usages of Read the Docs.

Read the Docs is a fully open-source platform that builds and publishes documentation. Read more on


Many new and exciting documentation projects have emerged in science and academia, taking the world of documentation beyond just software projects. To capture the latest development and trends, we are compiling a list of inspirational uses of documentation technology, especially outside of the traditional field of software documentation.

In addition to showing awesome and real-life Read the Docs projects, a number of Example Projects are being built to help people learn and get started.

We hope that this will inspire people writing documentation, developing new documentation projects or updating existing ones. All projects mentioned here are open source, meaning that you can find their source code and understand how it’s done.

The list is a work in progress, please feel invited to contribute!


Sphinx projects

MkDocs projects

API Reference

Science projects

Tag cloud

The categories in this list are intersecting at the following tags:

#sphinx, #mkdocs, #themes, #custom-theme, #jupyter-notebook, #diataxis, #large-project, #apidocs, #translation


Contributions of any kind welcome, just follow the guidelines!


Thanks goes to these contributors GitHub Repo Stars GitHub last commit!