Awesome boilerplates
Curated list of boilerplates and templates to enhance productivity.
Android Development
Boilerplates and templates for Android
IOS Development.
Boilerplates and templates for IOS
Boilerplates and templates for JavaScript
Yeoman The web’s scaffolding tool for modern webapps. Includes many generators to get started.
Mega Boilerplate
Fullstack boilerplate generator with support for Node.js, a static site, or an Electron app.
React Typescript npm boilerplate
Powerful react typescript npm component boilerplate built with rollup.js, storybook, jest unit test, tree-shaking and airbnb eslint rules
React Boilerplate
Boilerplate for creating a React npm package
React Boilerplate
React boilerplate with React Router and webpack
React Transform Boilerplate
A new Webpack boilerplate with hot reloading React components, and error handling on module and component level.
Library Boilerplate
An opinionated boilerplate for React libraries including ESLint, Mocha, Babel, Webpack and an example powered by Webpack Dev Server and React Hot Loader
React NPM Component Starter
A minimal boilerplate for building a React component for NPM
React Isomorphic Starterkit
Isomorphic starterkit with server-side React rendering having many features
Coffee React Quickstart
Quickstart for building React single page apps using Coffeescript, Gulp, Webpack, and React-Router
Flask React Boilerplate
Flask and react Boilerplate
Boilerplate Webpack React
Boilerplate project for Reactjs with webpack, gulp and stylus
React JS Hot loader Boilerplates
React hot loader starter kits
React Redux minimal
A minimal React-Redux boilerplate with all the best practices
React Redux Universal Hot Example
A starter boilerplate for a universal webapp using express, react, redux, webpack, and react-transform
Boilerplate for a universal application using 3REE stack (React, Redux, RethinkDB, Express) + PostCSS
Hybrid Mobile App Frameworks
Demo/starter for full-stack web app using microservices architecture, with API Gateway, centralized authentication, background workers, and WebSockets.
Boilerplates and templates for Python
Boilerplates and templates for PHP
Boilerplates and templates for Ruby
Boilerplates and templates for C#.NET and ASP.NET
ASP.NET Boilerplate
ASP.NET Boilerplate is a starting point for new modern web applications using best practices and most popular tools.
Boilerplates and templates for Go
Browser Webextensions
Boilerplates and templates to develop webextensions for internet browsers such as Chrome, Firefox and Safari
Boilerplates and templates for Websites
Templating Systems for Different IDE’s
Boilerplates and template files
GitHub Template Guidelines
Collection of guidelines and boilerplate files for writing maintanable GitHub projects.
Template your base files and generate them from GitHub.
Your contributions are always welcome!

To the extent possible under law, Melvin Philips has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.