
*The most up to date curated list of [Quarto®](https://quarto.org) docs, talks, tools, examples & articles the internet has to offer.*
[Quarto®](https://quarto.org) is an open-source scientific and technical publishing system built on [Pandoc]([Pandoc](https://pandoc.org/)).
Contributions of any kind are welcome, just follow the guidelines by either:
Featured (new releases)
Official documentation & quickstarts
Tutorials & workshops
Blog posts
We don’t talk about Quarto - A blog post introducing to Quarto publishing software by Alison Presmanes Hill.
Quarto tip a day - A website made with Quarto highlighting a tip for Quarto every day as a blog post.
Announcing Quarto, a new scientific and technical publishing system - Blog post by J.J. Allaire announcing the launch of Quarto, a new open-source scientific and technical publishing system.
Interactive Molecular Content - A blog post showing how to embed interactive content (i.e., molecular visualisation) in webpages with Quarto using Bokeh, 3DMol.js and NGL.
Slidecraft 101: Colors and Fonts - A blog post about “The art of putting together slides that are functional and aesthetically pleasing” using Quarto presentation format by Emil Hvitfeldt.
Making Slides in Quarto with Reveal.js - A blog post about making slides in Quarto with Reveal.js and how to use emojis or customise the slides by Meghan Hall.
A beginner’s guide to using Observable JavaScript, R, and Python with Quarto - This article shows you how to set up a Quarto document to use Observable JavaScript, including how to pass data from R or Python to an Observable code chunk.
Six Productivity Hacks for Quarto - A blog post showing six tips from the re-use content across documents, the insertion of Pandoc divs and spans to continuous deployment with GitHub Actions.
How to add some personality to your Quarto Blog - A blog post sharing some of the added features and tweaks users can make on top of the standard blog templates to inject some personality into their blog.
Use R to Generate a Quarto Blogpost - A blog post about using R to generate Quarto blog post by Tom Mock.
Adding Subscriptions to a Quarto Site - A blog post about how to add a subscription form to your Quarto blog.
I’m an R user: Quarto or R Markdown? - A blog post comparing Quarto and R Markdown from an R user perspective by Jumping Rivers.
Quarto for the Python User - A blog post introducing Quarto to Python user for creating reports.
How to publish your Quarto document/book/website as a Docker container? - A blog post describing how to publish your Quarto document/book/website as a Docker container by Mickaël Canouil.
How to have images for both light and dark theme? - A blog post describing how to have images for both light and dark theme by Mickaël Canouil.
Making Pretty PDFs with Quarto - A blog post showing how to customise the styling of PDF documents, and save the styling into a Quarto extension to make it easier to reuse and share.
How to self-publish a technical book on Leanpub and Amazon using Quarto - This blog post explains which settings to use to compile an Epub for Leanpub and a print-ready PDF for Amazon’s self-publishing service (KDP).
Hello Quarto: Porting my Website from Hugo Apéro - A blog post detailing a user’s experience of porting a blogdown Hugo Apéro site to Quarto, with content including design ideas, CSS tips, HTML partials, setting up redirects, and others.
Talks and videos
Supported editors
- Julia interface package to Quarto CLI.
- Python interface package to Quarto CLI.
- R interface package to Quarto CLI.
- Turn R package documentation pkgdown
website into a Quarto website.
Simulate colorblindeness - Observable widget to simulate colorblindness for your whole document.
- An R package containing an RStudio Addin to insert some useful divs and classes into your Quarto revealjs
- A Rust-based command line utility to turn any ObservableHQ notebook into a Quarto project.
- A Chrome extension to transform any ObservableHQ notebook into a list of downloadable FileAttachment
s and an in-page Quarto source document.
RStudio & VSCode snippets - RStudio & VSCode snippets to ease typesetting with Quarto.
matrix BOT
- A little bot for the matrix-network that listens for some Quarto files and returns the PDF into the matrix channel.
babelquarto - R package to help set up, and render, multilingual Quarto books (see also babeldown).
- A Python module that lets you quickly generate Python package API reference documentation using Markdown and Quarto.
Continuous integration / Continuous deployment
Real-life examples
- The Quarto documentation website.
- The R Lille (R User Group) website using Quarto.
- R Manuals rewritten with Quarto.
Quarto tip a day
- Website/blog highlighting a tip for Quarto every day.
Documentation website from Jupyter Notebook
- Quarto used to generate a website from a Jupyter notebook containing Python module documentation.
Program Evaluation for Public Service (course)
- Website for graduate-level course on program evaluation and causal inference using R, built with Quarto.
Bioconductor Community Blog
- A Quarto Blog for Bioconductor community.
R for Social Scientists workshop
- A Quarto website for a workshop which includes Quarto Reveal JS presentations embedded in it.
AffCom Lab Website
- A research lab Quarto Blog/website using custom listing pages for people and publications.
Quantum Jitter
- A Quarto website / blog with a custom theme (adapted from flatly / darkly), day / night landing page and a novel 404 page.
Andrew Heiss’s website
- Andrew Heiss’s website with custom EJS format, footer, 404 page, (S)CSS, and many more customisations.
Ella Kaye’s website
- Ella Kaye’s website with Bootstrap Grid card home page layout, CSS animation in navigation bar, and light/dark mode.
Quering with PRQL
- Docusaurus website using computations via Jupyter
and knitr
and multiple languages (PRQL, SQL, R, Python, etc.).
Real World Data Science - The Royal Statistical Society website, built with Quarto, features a custom design (based on the Lux Bootswatch theme), with a customised navbar and homepage layout.
Silvia Canelón’s website - Silvia Canelón’s website customized to match the style of the Hugo Apéro blogdown theme.
Who else should we be following!?
Thanks goes to these contributors