A curated list of open source tools for adding dynamic data to pinned gists.
## Contents - [External Services](#external-services) - [GitHub](#github) - [Resources](#resources) ## External Services Displaying data from external services in a pinned gist. - [bilibili-box  ](https://github.com/KeJunMao/bilibili-box) - Update a pinned gist to contain your latest Bilibili videos. - [bilibili-gist-py  ](https://github.com/luyanci/bilibili-gist-py) - Update a pinned gist to show your Bilibili stats and your latest videos. - [bird-box  ](https://github.com/matchai/bird-box) - Update a pinned gist to contain the latest tweets of a Twitter user. - [blog-box  ](https://github.com/Aveek-Saha/blog-box) - Update a pinned gist to show your latest dev.to blog post. - [book-box  ](https://github.com/amorriscode/book-box) - Update a pinned gist to contain your latest reads from goodreads - [chess-com-box-py  ](https://github.com/sciencepal/chess-com-box-py) - Update a pinned gist to contain your Chess.com Ratings. - Code::Stats (https://codestats.net/) - [codestats-box  ](https://github.com/Ancientwood/codestats-box) - Update a pinned gist to contain your daily Code::Stats. - [codestats-box-python  ](https://github.com/aksh1618/codestats-box-python) - A Python implementation of codestats-box. Update a pinned gist to contain your Code::Stats stats. - [covid-box  ](https://github.com/puf17640/covid-box) - Update a gist to contain global or country specific coronavirus stats. - [douban-box  ](https://github.com/CodeDaraW/douban-box) - Update a pinned gist to contain the latest user status about books/movies/music from Douban. - [goodreads-box  ](https://github.com/mdluo/goodreads-box) - Update a pinned gist to show your currently reading books and progress on Goodreads. - [hitokoto-box  ](https://github.com/greenhandatsjtu/hitokoto-box) - Update a pinned gist to contain a random hitokoto. - [hoyolab-box  ](https://github.com/yangchang-n/HoYoLab-box) - Update a pinned gist to show your Genshin Impact / Honkai: Star Rail play stats. - LeetCode (https://leetcode.com/) - [leetcode-box  ](https://github.com/puiiyuen/leetcode-box) - Update a pinned gist to show your LeetCode stats. - [leetcode-solved-box  ](https://github.com/Pudding124/leetcode-solved-box) - Update a pinned gist to show leetcode solved problem. - [leetcode-skills-box  ](https://github.com/tbeachill/leetcode-skills-box) - Update a pinned gist to show your top leetcode skills. - [mal-box  ](https://github.com/jckli/mal-box) - Update a pinned gist to contain your latest activity from MyAnimeList. - [medium-stat-box  ](https://github.com/kylemocode/medium-stat-box) - Update a pinned gist to show your medium stats and latest articles. - [movie-box  ](https://github.com/LuisAlejandro/movie-box) - Update a pinned gist to contain your media center stats from Trakt.tv. - [music-box  ](https://github.com/jacc/music-box) - Update a pinned gist to contain your weekly listening report on Last.fm. - [neko-box  ](https://github.com/RangerDigital/neko-box) - Update a pinned gist to contain the latest activity from AniList. - [netease-music-box  ](https://github.com/Leecason/netease-music-box) - Update a pinned gist to contain your weekly listening report on Netease Cloud Music. - [osu-box  ](https://github.com/AiverAiva/osu-box) - Update a pinned gist to display your osu! stats. - [playstation-box  ](https://github.com/Swilder-M/playstation-box) - Update a pinned gist to contain your PlayStation playtime leaderboard. - [rescue-box  ](https://github.com/joshghent/rescue-box) - Update a pinned gist to contain your daily productivity stats from RescueTime. - [shodan-exposure-box  ](https://github.com/ChrisCarini/shodan-exposure-box) - Update a pinned gist containing the top used ports as observed by [Shodan](https://www.shodan.io/). - [shortcut-box  ](https://github.com/artemnovichkov/shortcut-box) - Update a pinned gist to contain random IDE shortcut - [solvedac-box  ](https://github.com/abiriadev/solvedac-box) - Update a pinned gist to show [solved.ac](https://solved.ac) profile. - Spotify (https://spotify.com/) - [spotify-box  ](https://github.com/izayl/spotify-box) - Update a pinned gist to contain your weekly top tracks on Spotify. - [spotify-box  ](https://github.com/Aveek-Saha/spotify-box) - Update a pinned gist to show your weekly/monthly/all-time top Spotify tracks/artists. - [spotify-gist  ](https://github.com/mporracindie/spotify-gist) - Update a pinned gist to contain your monthly top artist on Spotify. - [stackoverflow-stats-box  ](https://github.com/Pudding124/stackoverflow-stats-box) - Update a pinned gist to show stack overflow stats. - [steam-box  ](https://github.com/YouEclipse/steam-box) - Update a pinned gist to contain your Steam playtime leaderboard. - [strava-box  ](https://github.com/JohnPhamous/strava-box) - Update a pinned gist to contain your YTD exercise metrics from Strava. - [todoist-box  ](https://github.com/joshghent/todoist-box) - Update a pinned gist to contain your Todoist productivity stats - [toggl-box  ](https://github.com/tobimori/toggl-box) - Update a pinned gist to contain your weekly Toggl time tracking stats - [trivia-box  ](https://github.com/ChrisCarini/trivia-box) - Update a pinned gist with a daily trivia question from Open Trivia DB. - [typeracer-box  ](https://github.com/tobimori/typeracer-box) - Update a pinned gist to contain your latest TypeRacer races - WakaTime (https://wakatime.com/) - [waka-box  ](https://github.com/matchai/waka-box) - Update a pinned gist to contain your weekly WakaTime stats. - [waka-box-go  ](https://github.com/YouEclipse/waka-box-go) - A Golang implementation of waka-box. Update a pinned gist to contain your weekly WakaTime stats. - [youtube-box  ](https://github.com/SinaKhalili/youtube-box) - Update a pinned gist to show your latest YouTube videos ## GitHub Displaying more detailed GitHub user data in a pinned gist. - [activity-box  ](https://github.com/JasonEtco/activity-box) - Update a pinned gist to contain the latest activity of a GitHub user. - [github-stats-box  ](https://github.com/bokub/github-stats-box) - Update a pinned gist to contain your GitHub statistics. - [lang-box  ](https://github.com/inokawa/lang-box) - Update a pinned gist to contain languages of your recent commits in GitHub - [productive-box  ](https://github.com/maxam2017/productive-box) - Update a pinned gist to contain your most productive hours during the day. ## User Defined Displaying data from user-defined (e.g. configured in the GitHub Action input parameters) content in a pinned gist. - [date-box  ](https://github.com/kf-liu/date-box) - Update a pinned gist to contain your anniversaries and countdown days (or hours). ## Resources Resources for keeping pinned gists updated. - [gist-box  ](https://github.com/JasonEtco/gist-box) - A helper class for updating single-file Gists. ## Contribute Contributions welcome! Read the [contribution guidelines](contributing.md) first. ## License [](https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0) To the extent possible under law, [Matan Kushner](https://github.com/matchai) has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.