Awesome Supabase
Supabase is an awesome open source alternative to Firebase, where it provides you with a Postgres database, Authentication, instant APIs, Edge Functions, Realtime subscriptions, and Storage.
This list tries to cover what is awesome about the product and its community! 👁⚡️👁
To enhance this list, please refer to
Official Starters
The following starters supports the @supabase/supabase-js
v2 library.
- Vue3 Supabase starter, with Pinia, Vue-router 4, TailwindCSS, Vitest, Cypress and more.
Supastarter - Supabase starter with Next.js, authentication, mail templates, landing page, dashboard and blog.
RedwoodJS Supabase Quickstart
- Supabase Quickstart example app with RedwoodJS.
Basejump - Open source Next.js starter with teams, personal accounts, invitations, Tailwind, i18n. Fully tested schema.
Supabase Schema - Generate SQL scripts and database diagram with this handy tool. No sensitive information is required, only need the project url + anonymous key.
Heroku to Supabase Importer - Given Heroku is ending free-tier support soon, if you have any Postgres DB that you want to continue supporting on your projects, migrating to Supabase will be a good choice. With this tool, it will be a breeze to migrate over. Here’s a guide with a video for this migration process.
Supabase DB to Google Sheets
- Tool to pull Supabase data into Google Sheets.
Retool REST API data generator - Tool to generate structured data to be inserted into your PostgresDB.
Supabase CLI - The Supabase CLI provides tools to develop your project locally and deploy to the Supabase Platform.
Supabase SQL - Find common use case SQL scripts easily for copy pasting.
Online Courses
Videos, Podcasts, Livestreams, Talks
Integration Guides
Firebase to Supabase
- A collection of guides of migrating from different components of Firebase such as Auth, Firestore, Storage, Functions to Supabase.
How to Manage Your Supabase Database with Directus - Directus Studio provides a means to browse, manage, and visualize database content through a no-code app and this guide shows how to setup Supabase with Directus.
Supabase admin panel tutorial with Retool - Retool helps teams to build internal tools quickly. Learn how to setup an admin panel using Retool and Supabase.
Set up a monorepo with Supabase and Turborepo - Talks about how a codebase is migrated to a turborepo-powered pnpm monorepo that ships 3 NextJS apps, a Preact widget, a React Native app and two Fastify servers out of a single repository, all speaking to the same Supabase instance.
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