:video_game: Awesome Game Datasets

In computer science, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is intelligence demonstrated by machines. Its definition, AI research as the study of “intelligent agents”: any device that perceives its environment and takes actions that achieving its goals Russell et. al (2016).
Withal, Data Mining (DM) is the process of discovering patterns in data sets (or datasets) involving methods of machine learning, statistics, and database systems; DM focus on extract the information of datasets Han (2011).
This repository serves as a guide for anyone who wants to work with Artificial Intelligence or Data Mining applied in digital games! Here you will find a series of datasets, tools and materials available to build your application or dataset.
Any suggestions or doubts, please open an “issue”. If you want to contribute, read this and make a “pull request”.
API is “a set of functions and procedures allowing the creation of applications that access the features or data of an operating system, application, or other service” (Google).
Artificial Intelligence
- Drachen, A. Mirza-Babaei, P. Nacke, L. (2018). Games user research. Oxford.
- El-Nasr, S. Drachen, A. Canossa, A. (2013). Game analytics: maximizing the value of player data. Sprigner.
- Han, J., Pei, J., Kamber, M. (2011). Data mining: concepts and techniques. Elsevier.
- Hennig-Thurau, T. Houston, M. (2018). Entertainment science: data analytics and practical theory for movies, games, music and books. Springer.
- Loh, A. Sheng, Y. Ifenthaler, D. (2015). Serious games analytics: methodologies for performance measurement, assessment, and improvement. Springer.
- Millington, Ian, Funge, John (2020). AI for Games, Third Edition. CRC Press.
- Russell, S. J., Norvig, P. (2016). Artificial intelligence: a modern approach. Malaysia; Pearson Education Limited.
- Yannakakis, G. N., Togelius, J. (2018). Artificial intelligence and games. Springer.
(LoL) League of Legends Ranked Games - Matches details from ranked games.
17K Mobile Strategy Games - Strategy games from the Apple App Store.
2018 FIFA World Cup Squads - Squad details for teams participating in the World Cup.
320K Roblox App Google Store Reviews - Google Store reviews of Roblox.
380,000 Guesses Dataset - Higher or Lower? - Real-world game data of guessing a number.
Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition 225.000 Games - Data about match ups, outcomes and game states over the time in 225.000 AoE2 matches.
Animal Crossing New Horizons NookPlaza Catalog - Comprehensive inventory of items, villagers, clothing, fish/bugs etc.
Board Game Data - Data from board games.
Board Games Dataset - Board Games Dataset from BoardGameGeek.
Board Games Dataset - Attributes and the ratings from board games in BoardGameGeek.
Boardgaming Online Game Records - Playthroughs of board games.
- Mobile game data, items and missions information.
CartolaFC - Popular brazilian fantasy football (from 2014 to 2017).
Chess Game Dataset (Lichess) - Chess games, including moves, victor, rating, opening details and more.
Clash of Clans app store user comments - User reviews from Google Play and iTunes App Store.
Clash royale Dataset - Cards data.
Complete FIFA 2017 Player dataset (Global) - Players data.
Condensing Steam: Distilling the Diversity of Gamer Behavior - Temporal games data.
Connect-4 Data Set - Connect-4 game matches.
CS:GO Competitive Matchmaking Data - Damage entries on rounds played.
CS:GO Steam Reviews - Steam Reviews.
Data Game ClashRoyale - Player data of Clash Royale game.
Defense of the Ancients - Monsters data from Warcraft III game.
- Dataset of Dungeons and Dragons characters.
Dota 2 Games (UCI) - Matches results.
Elden Ring Steam Reviews - Steam Reviews.
FIFA 18 Complete Player Dataset - Players and their attributes.
Fortnite Statistics_80 Games - End games statistics.
Fortnite: Battle Royale - Weapon Attributes - Stats of the weapons.
GamingVideoSET - A Dataset for Gaming Video Streaming Applications. Paper
GOSU.AI Dota 2 Game Chats - Chats from matches replays.
GTA-3D Dataset
- 2D and 3D images from Grand Theft Auto 5 game.
Hearthstone Cards - Collection of cards.
Heroes of Might and Magic 3 Units - Units of a game.
History of Hearthstone - Collection of decks.
Hogwarts Legacy Reviews - A list of Hogwarts Legacy reviews.
LCS 2017 Summer Split Fantasy Player & Team Stats - Player and team data.
League of Legends Diamond Ranked Games (10 min) - Classify ranked games.
League of Legends Summoner Ids and Data - 2016 - Game data.
Magic The Gathering Cards - Cards data.
Most Played Games of All Time - Steam game stats.
NBA Players - Biometric, biographic and basic box score features from 1996 to 2019 season.
Oldschool Runescape Polling Data - Historical polling data.
OpenDota - Continuous database of Dota 2 matches.
Overwatch Game Records - Stats of one player from thousands of matches.
Overwatch Ranked Data - Player and match data.
Overwatch - Heros characteristics.
Path of exile game statistic - Players data.
Platform Experience Dataset - Super Mario Bros matches. Paper.
Pokémon for Data Mining and Machine Learning - Stats of 721 Pokémon of the first six generations.
Pokémon GO Pokédex
- Encyclopedia Pokemon.
Pokemon with stats - Pokemon data with stats and types.
Pokemon Wonder Trade Results - Results of wonder trades in Pokemon Moon version.
Pokemon- Weedle’s Cave - Battle data of Pokemon.
PokemonGO - Pokemon and battle stats.
Predict’em All - Pokemon appear in PokemonGo over time.
PUBG Match Deaths and Statistics - Matches data.
- Data Quackle game matches.
Self Driving Car - Behavioural Cloning Complete Guide.
SkillCraft-StarCraft - StarCraft 2 league-level performance.
SMMnet - Network data from Super Mario Maker.
StarCraft 2 (UCI) - Data stream of matches. Paper.
StarCraft II matches history - Results of matches.
StarCraft II Replay Analysis - Aggregation of the replays.
Starcraft: Scouting The Enemy - Player reconnaissance in professional-level.
- Matches, videos, etc. Website, paper.
Super Trunfo - Dinossaurs 2 - Cards of this game.
Terra Mystica Snellman Statistics - Game logs and statistics.
The Complete Pokemon Dataset - Pokemon data from all generations.
The Quick, Draw! Dataset
- Collection of 50 million drawings across 345 categories.
Travian buildings - Time, cost and bonus of buildings.
World of Warcraft Avatar History - Collection of records. Website.
World of Warcraft Battlegrounds - Details of battlegrounds.
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