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- Chain React - Portland, OR USA
- React Native EU - Wroclaw, Poland
- React Alicante - Alicante, Spain
- ReactNext - Tel Aviv, Israel
- React Berlin - Berlin, Germany
- App.js Conf - Krakow, Poland
- Chain React - Portland, OR USA
- React Native EU - Wroclaw, Poland
- React Berlin - Berlin, Germany
- ReactEurope - Paris, France
- Utilities
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Many thanks to everyone on the contributor
list \:)
Conferences dedicated to React Native specifically. A listing of React
general conferences can be found on the ReactJS
Chain React - Portland, OR USA
Workshops - July 11th, 2018
Conference - July 12-13th, 2018
React Native EU - Wroclaw, Poland
Workshops - September 3-4th, 2018
Conference - September 5-6th, 2018
React Alicante - Alicante, Spain
Workshops - September 13th, 2018
Conference - September 14-15th, 2018
ReactNext - Tel Aviv, Israel
Conference - November 4th, 2018
App.js Conf - Krakow, Poland
Conference - April 4th, 2019
Workshops - April 5th, 2019
Chain React - Portland, OR USA
Workshops - July 10th, 2019
Conference - July 11th-12th, 2019
React Native EU - Wroclaw, Poland
Workshops - September 4th, 2019
Conference - September 5th-6th, 2019
React Berlin - Berlin, Germany
Workshops - December 4th-5th, 2019
Conference - December 6th, 2019
ReactEurope - Paris, France
Conference - May 14th-15, 2020
Workshops - May 12th-13th, 2020
Content published on the Web.
Continuous Integration
Components and native modules.
Navigation/Routing Articles
Navigation Demos
Deep Linking
Text & Rich Content
Utils & Infra
Build & Development
styled-components ★20064 - Style React and React Native with utilising tagged template literals.
emotion ★5627 - Style as a function of state.
react-native-extended-stylesheet ★1689 - Extend React Native stylesheet with variables, relative units, percents, math operations, scaling and other stuff.
react-native-css ★755 - Style React-Native components with css and built in support for SASS.
react-native-style-tachyons ★525 - functional, maintainable design for everyone based on tachyons.css.
glamorous-native ★454 - A React Native version of glamorous - a component styling library.
react-native-responsive ★295 - The power of Media Queries now in your React Native project (ios and android) ! Responsive Design can now be easily managed !
cairn ★110 - Simple, string-based style selector engine with support for basic inheritance.
react-native-theme ★104 - Theme manager for react native project!
react-native-css-modules ★44 - Style React-Native components using CSS, Sass, Less or Stylus.
rn-less ★15 - Style react-native with less (with VS Code extension support)
react-native-prism ★10 - Minimal, idiomatic style management for React Native
react-native-paint ★5 - A themeable abstraction over React Native StyleSheet. Read about it here.
binstorm ★5 - BinStorm is a React Native styling utility for rapidly building custom user interfaces. Read about it here.
styled-react-native - Advanced react native styling with simple method (style overwrites, component composition, enhanced style property). Full intro in this Medium article.
react-native-tailwindcss - A react native styling system based on TailwindCSS.
react-native-firebase ★4192 - A well tested feature rich Firebase implementation for React Native, supporting both iOS & Android platforms for 10+ Firebase modules (including Cloud Firestore).
react-native-push-notification ★3431 - React Native Local and Remote Notifications
react-native-device-info ★3145 - Get device information using react-native
react-native-fs ★2465 - Native filesystem access for react-native
react-native-config ★1894 - Config variables for React Native apps
react-native-ultimate-config - Configure all levels of your react-native app with a single file
react-native-fcm ★1564 - react native module for firebase cloud messaging and local notification
react-native-notifications ★1396 - React native notifications
react-native-arkit ★1290 - React Native binding for iOS ARKit
react-native-permissions ★1118 - Check and request all permissions with a single api
react-native-keychain ★992 - Keychain Access for React Native
react-native-touch-id ★902 - React Native authentication with the native Touch ID popup.
react-native-contacts ★882 - React Native Contacts (android & ios)
react-native-communications ★871 - Easily call, email, text or iMessage someone in React Native
react-native-onesignal ★871 - React Native Library for OneSignal Push Notifications Service (iOS + Android)
react-native-in-app-utils ★743 - A react-native wrapper for handling in-app payments.
react-native-image-resizer ★636 - Rescale local image files with React Native.
react-native-quick-actions ★593 - A react-native interface for 3D Touch home screen quick actions
react-native-billing ★534 - In-app purchase implementation for React Native on Android.
react-native-barcodescanner ★491 - A barcode scanner component for react native - not maintained anymore - use react-native-camera.
react-native-iap ★450 - React-native native module for In-App Purchase.
react-native-dotenv ★450 - A Babel preset let you import application configs from .env file (zero runtime dependency)
react-native-location ★425 - Native GPS location support for React Native.
react-native-background-fetch ★373 - iOS BackgroundFetch API implementation. Awakens a suspended iOS app in the background to execute a
about every 15 min.
react-native-queue ★359 - Your swiss army knife for task management in React Native - easily manage background tasks that run periodically when app is closed and dedicated worker threads.
react-native-sensors ★355 - Platform independent wrapper for sensors like Gyroscope, Accelerometer and Magnetometer with RxJS interface
react-native-social-share ★347 - Use the iOS native Twitter and Facebook share view from react native
react-native-ibeacon ★334 - iBeacon support for React Native. The API is very similar to the CoreLocation Objective-C one with the only major difference that regions are plain JavaScript objects. Beacons don’t work in the iOS simulator.
react-native-lock-ios ★291 - Auth0 Lock for React Native (iOS)
react-native-motion-manager ★223 - A react-native interface for using the Gyroscope, Accelerometer and Magnetometer
react-native-android-sms-listener ★194 - Allows you to listen for incoming SMS messages
react-native-device ★185 - UIDevice wrapper for React Native
react-native-gcm-android ★174 - GCM for Android
react-native-sensor-manager ★172 - Wrapper for react-native providing native sensors access. (Gyroscope, accelerometer, magnetometer, thermometer…)
react-native-ble ★157 - React Native BLE using noble api surface
react-native-haptic ★137 - iOS 10 + haptic feedback for React Native applications
react-native-pinch ★130 - SSL pinning for react native
react-native-unified-contacts ★120 - React Native iOS 9+ Contacts (ios)
react-native-callkit ★94 - iOS 10 CallKit framework for React Native
react-native-discovery ★89 - Discover nearby devics using BLE. Turn iOS and Android devices into beacons
react-native-passcode-auth ★87 - React Native authentication with iOS Passcode.
react-native-addressbook ★81 - AddressBook module for react-native
react-native-fingerprint-identify ★79 - React Native authentication with the Fingerprint on Android, fingerprint API compatible lib, which also combines Samsung, Xiaomi and MeiZu’s official Fingerprint API.
react-native-phone-call ★76 - A simple way to initiate a phone call in React Native
react-native-calendar-reminders ★69 - React Native module for IOS EventKit Reminders
react-native-bluetooth-state ★61 - Answering the question of “Is my bluetooth on?” in React Native
react-native-google-nearby-messages ★14 - Communicate with nearby devices using Bluetooth, BLE, WiFi and near-ultrasonic audio by using the Google Nearby Messages API
react-native-barcode-scanner ★60 - Barcode scanner for React Native
react-native-haptic-feedback ★60 - Trigger Haptic Native Feedback on iOS and Android
react-native-clipboard ★58 - React Native component for getting or setting clipboard content
react-native-media-clipboard - React Native module for getting images, URLs, and strings from the clipboard
react-native-nfc-ios ★52 - Easy to use CoreNFC for React Native
react-native-android-sms ★48 - A react native android module to list/send sms.
react-native-voip-push-notification ★48 - iOS prioritized VoIP Push Notification
react-native-android-speech ★47 - A text-to-speech library for Android React Native.
react-native-app-info ★42 - React Native app info and version
react-native-icloud-sync ★41 - A react-native wrapper for syncing with icloud
react-native-carrier-info ★41 - React Native module bridge to obtain information about the user’s home cellular service provider.
react-native-sms-android ★40 - A react-native module for sending a sms message to a phone number.
react-native-touch-id-android ★32 - React Native authentication with the Fingerprint on Android.
react-native-heading ★31 - Get device heading (compass) information on iOS or Android
react-native-battery ★30 - A React Native module that returns the battery level/status of a device
react-native-device-battery ★30 - Observe battery state changes in your react native application
react-native-device-motion ★29 - iOS device motion wrapper for React Native.
react-native-wifi-manager ★29 - Wifi Connection Manager for React Native on Android
react-native-android-sqlite ★28 - A react native android wrapper for SQLite
react-native-search-api ★27 - The SearchApi module gives you a general React Native interface to interact with the iOS Search API, Core Spotlight.
react-native-ssl-pinning ★20 - React Native SSL pinning using OkHttp 3 on Android, and AFNetworking on iOS
react-native-localsearch ★17 - React Native Module for MapKit Local Search
rn-secure-storage ★17 - Secure Storage for React Native (Android & iOS)
react-native-contacts-rx ★14 - react-native-contacts counterpart that include the support of RxJS.
react-native-mipush ★13 - MiPush for React Native
react-native-device-angles ★12 - Get rotation information in degrees (pitch, yaw, roll) - ios
react-native-detect-device ★11 - Detect a device on iOS or android in react-native.
react-native-battery-status ★11 - A battery-status for react-native
react-native-system-notification ★10 - Notification for React Native
react-native-home-pressed ★8 - Listen to home and recent app events for Android
react-native-lock-android ★7 - Auth0 Lock for React Native (Android)
react-native-push-with-gcm ★6 - Register device for GCM push notifications services (supported only for iOS)
react-native-device-info-pod ★3 - Get device information using react-native
react-native-sms-retriever - SMS Retriever API (Android).
react-native-background-downloader ★93 - Help you download large files on iOS and Android both in the foreground and most importantly in the background.
rn-in-app-review - Help you to integrate in-app review for android and iOS
react-native-system-setting - Provides some system setting APIs iOS and Android.
Useful React Native tooling.
Get a head start on development with an existing seed.
🔥 Ignite ★8832 - An unfair start for React Native - Generator CLI for redux/sagas and more.
Pepperoni ★4383 - (deprecated) Starter kit for Android & iOS, Redux, Immutable.js, disk-persisted app state
Snowflake ★4321 - Android & iOS, Redux, Jest (88% coverage), Immutable,
native-starter-kit ★1506 - A Starter Kit for React Native + NativeBase + React Navigation + Redux + CodePush Apps (iOS & Android)
React Native Hackathon Starter ★732 - React Native Starter Project, great for hackathons or rapid prototyping. Includes tabs, navigation, Redux, React Native Vector Icons, & React Native Elements
React Native Boilerplate Typescript - React Native Boilerplate - Redux + Saga + Reselect + redux-persist + react-navigation + TypeScript
- React Native Meteor Boilerplate ★615
:octopus: React Native Boilerplate ★551 - React Native boilerplate that promotes a solid architecture via separation of concerns.
React Native Seed ★504 - A set of React Native Boilerplates to choose from. MobX or Redux for state-management, TypeScript or Flow for static type checking and CRNA or plain React Native for the stack - By the creators of Native Base.
🚀 React Native Starter ★388 - A powerful starter template that bootstraps development of your mobile application.
ReactNativeTS ★353 - Boilerplate of a React Native project in Typescript.
react-native-starter by Ueno ★311 - Professional react-native starter kit with everything you’ll ever need to deploy rock solid apps
- react-native-babel ★241
react-native-vanilla ★185 - 🚀🚀🚀 Build universal cross-platform apps with React Native. Includes latest
, tvOS
, Android
, Android TV
, Android Wear
, Web
, Tizen TV
, Tizen Watch
, LG webOS
, macOS/OSX
, Windows
and KaiOS
react-native-template-typescript ★183 - Clean and minimalist React Native template for a quick start with TypeScript.
react-native-template-airbnb - Clean and minimalist React Native template for a quick start with Airbnb (Flow, Prettier).
react-native-redux ★160 - React Native + Redux + Redux Saga
- react-native-es6-reflux ★145
- react-native-hot-redux-starter ★135
react-native-typescript-boilerplate ★129 - An opinionated boilerplate built with React Native Navigation v3 + Redux + Thunk, in TypeScript. Follows industry best practices.
Rhinos-app ★81 - Cross-platform React Native boilerplate (iOS, Android, Web) built on react-native-web.
react-native-web-boilerplate ★72 - A react-native-web stateless hmr boilerplate
react-native-boilerplate ★61 - Simple boilerplate for mobile development using React Native and Redux
react-native-easy-starter ★50 - A React-native starter kit using latest react and react-native 0.60.5 , easy-peasy state management, hooks workflow, hermes, codepush ready-to-use custom hooks, react-native-paper, contextapis, theming support and much more (android + ios)
react-native-web-workspace ★58 - A cross platform app with react in a monorepo
🍞 Baker ★46 - An opinionated MVP toolkit that helps you build mobile apps crazy fast using React Native and Parse Server
React-Native-Starter-Pack ★40 - React Native 0.34 + React-Redux (w/ Redux-Storage) + Native Base + Code Push
react-native-relay-example ★38 - React Native working with Relay
MeteorNative Boilerplate ★23 - a React Native and Meteor boilerplate with Redux.
rn-mobx-template ★17 - React Native with MobX template
react-native-boilerplate-chucknorris ★15 - A boilerplate for React Native + React Navigation + React Native Elements (iOS & Android)
react-native-template-super ★7 - A turbo starter template for react-native + React Navigation + Redux + Redux Persist
rn-relay-drawer-template ★4 - React Native working with RNRF, drawer and relay
react-native-community-maps ★3 - Boilerplate app for browsing user-generated photos on a map
React Native Starter Kit - React Native starter kit with user onboarding elements, including Firebase Auth and Facebook Login integration.
Awesome React Native Boilerplates - Effective start for your development with the most popular react-native navigation and UI libraries
react-int - A simple way to use react/react-native with redux and redux-saga.
RNStarter - ✨ A React Native Starter with 10+ commonly used libraries ✨
Libraries / SDK type additions for React Native development.
Open Source Apps
Open source React Native apps and other examples.
Artsy - The mobile app for Discover fine Art. The Art world in your Pocket.
f8app ★13070 - Official F8 (Facebook Developer Conference) app of 2017. See blog post.
30-days-of-react-native ★5192 - 30 days of React Native examples (inspired by 30DaysofSwift)
react-native-nw-react-calculator ★4624 - A mobile, desktop and website App with the same code
GitPoint ★3833 - A mobile GitHub client for both iOS and Android.
- Hacker News (iOS & Android) ★3460
reading ★2947 - Reading App Write In React-Native.
- ★2470 - Ethereum client.
GitHub Popular ★2452 - This is a GitHub most popular repositories viewer with React Native.
- Dribbble React Native ★1927
react-native-gitfeed ★1709 - Yet another Github client written with react-native(iOS & android)
Finance React Native ★1680 - iOS’s stocks app clone written in React Native for demo purpose.
Quirk 🐙 ★965 - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for iOS and Android.
TaskRabbit’s Sample App ★802 - a testing ground for Task Rabbit’s app making
React Weather ★702 - A simple weather app built with React Native
Boostnote ★630 - Boostnote: open source note taking.
react-native-sudoku ★540 - a sudoku game written in React Native
react-native-hiapp ★513 - A simple and Twitter like demo app written in react-native
React Native Netflix ★489 - A Netflix-like app.
what the thing? ★430 - Point camera at things to learn how to say them in a different language.
react-native-basketball ★425 - a clone of the Facebook Basketball game
- ★406 A react-native applaction for
- An example React Native project for client login authentication ★402
GitterMobile ★387 - Gitter (chat for github) client for iOS and Android
- ReactNativeRedditReader ★345
Assemblies ★322 - a Meetup clone
- DuckDuckGo App (Unofficial) ★273
Ziliun React Native ★266 - Wordpress based article reader built with react native
Luno ★266 - A ClojureScript React Native app demonstration
- ReactNativeHackerNews ★241
- iOS Conference App made with React Native ★234
- MagicMirror ★232
Redux Demo ★226 - Minimal implement of redux counter example on ReactNative iOS and Android
React Native Embedded App ★218 -A collection of examples for using React Native in an existing iOS application
- React Native Example, Geo and Location ★216
uestc-bbs-react-native ★216 - An iOS client for written in React Native with Redux
Sh**t! I Smoke ★209 - Know how many cigarettes you smoke based on the pollution of your location.
PxView ★198 - An unofficial Pixiv app client for Android and iOS
BBC News (Unofficial) ★187 - a BBC news app
HackerBuzz ★179 - a Hacker News reader.
Vecihi App ★170 – Build your own photo sharing app.
Rocket.Chat ★161 - Open Source Team Communication
HackerWeb ★158 - A simply readable Hacker News web app for iOS & Android.
- Buyscreen sample ★151
- NewsWatch video viewer ★150
YouTrack Mobile ★136 – a client for YouTrack – issue tracker from JetBrains.
ndash ★129 - npm dashboard.
Look Lock ★126 - An app for showing photos without worries.
- Kakapo - ambient sound mixer ★126
Appointments ★116 - Full-fledged ReactNative App for Booking Appointments
- Alt/Flux Demo ★106
Buttercup Mobile ★103 - Mobile password manager
Insta Snap ★102 - Image Sharing App
live translator ★94 - An app that translates in real time what you see from your mobile.
Finance MacOS React Native ★88 - iOS’s Stocks App clone written for MacOS with Touch Bar support. Data is pulled from Yahoo Finance.
- NBAreact ★88
Urban Dictionary ★83 - Mobile implementation of the popular Urban Dictionary website.
ASOS ★83 - E-commerce app for ASOS (clone)
- Reddit made with React Native and Redux ★81
react-native-redux-facebook ★79 - A simple React Redux Facebook authentication demo app.
Hekla for Hacker News ★77 - Hackernews client with TypeScript, mobx-state-tree, native navigation and css modules.
QRCode App ★74 - application for scanning and generating QR codes.
Nearby Live ★72 - An unofficial NearbyLive app for Android and iOS
SoundcloudMboX ★67 SoundcloudMobX is the Soundcloud for iOS, Build with React-Native and MobX.
- Native iOS font list ★60
- React Native Chromecast App ★56
MoeFM ★54 - A light MusicPlayer build with React Native & Redux for both Android and iOS.
iTunesConnect ★53 - Unofficial iTunes Connect App
Sequent ★52 - short-term memory training game (W/ Redux).
AudienceNetworkReactNative ★50 - Facebook Audience Network Performance Tool.
rndrawer-implemented-rnrouter ★50 - A react-native-drawer implemented example and scaffolding for react-native-router-flux
Magento 2 Mobile App ★47 - Magento 2.x mobile app built with React Native
- iOS app that transcript your voice with IBM Watson Cloud ★41
Splitcloud ★35 - Share listening to two songs at the same time from Soundcloud (by splitting right/left channels).
ZudVPN ★32 - Deploy private VPN on major Cloud Providers with ZudVPN
Todo List ★31 - Todo-List app using SwipeView with ES6 standards for iOS and Android.
Paramap ★30 - Accessability map. React-native with Redux and Firebase. iOS and Android.
- Confreaks ★29
Vocab React Native ★27 - Thai Vocabulary Learning App
- Premier League ★25
Roxie ★23 - Sound processing and bluetooth hardware control.
Roverz ★21 - A native mobile chat client library for Rocket.Chat on both iOS and Android.
Text Blast ★18 - iOS client for MMS text blasting app with analogous ionic version for comparison
NewYorkTimesTopStories ★14 - Read Topstories of NewYorkTimes using its api written for android in react-native.
Quick-Sample ★14 - A small and simple example app with navigation, data persistence, redux, listview and animation.
iGap Plus ★13 - iGap+ is a cross-platform messaging application (Currently Android , iOS and Windows UWP) and has been created using all latest modern technologies. iGap+ is designed to easily support additional platforms like web, macOS and linux.
Posters_Galore_Android ★11 - An experimental Android application using Redux and a REST API
react-native-medium-clap-animation ★11 - Medium Clap Animation in React Native
HupuApp ★9 - A Third-party Hupu App ( client implemented using React Native (Android and iOS).
react-native-uber-clone ★9 - Uber UI Clone with animations in react native
Commit Strip (Unofficial) ★8 - A reader built in React Native.
react-native-otello ★6 - a reversi game written in React Native
GitHub Jobs Search App (Unofficial) ★6 - A GitHub Jobs Search App built in React Native.
Minimal Quotes ★6 - Mobile app that throws you random quotes in a super clean minimal version.
Hello Bemans ★5 - Health Trainer Connection App (Android Version)
RNV2ex ★5 - react-native for v2ex
Renote ★4 - A simple react-native example app for make notes.
Manyverse – Social network off the grid (a Scuttlebutt Android client)
Bristol Pound - An app for the Bristol Pound, a UK-based local currency.
- React Native Showcase
Instagram clone - an Instagram clone
Joplin - A note taking app for desktop, CLI, and mobile (linked here is the mobile app).
Cat-or-dog - Simple game with drag’n’drops and animations.
Forex Rates - Foreign exchange rates. currency rate converter. Historical exchange rates. Android and iOS.
Smog Alert App – provides real-time air pollution data all around the world and shows nearby polluters.
Audio Book App – Completed Audiobook app with some cool animations.
FastBuy - App to manage the products from a dummy Store (built with React Native and Redux).
Hydropuzzle - Stylish puzzle adventure game.
Github-Gist - React native mobile application for github gist
Lyrics King - Minimalist and stylish lyrics search app.
TensorFlow.js Starter - TensorFlow.js starter app using MobileNet to predict image class. Blog post for additional context.
Art Museum - Browse through the endless Harvard’s Art Museum collection.
- ★14 - Calculate, understand and reduce your carbon footprint. Available for Android and iOS, using Expo, Redux Toolkit and Typescript.
Nyxo ★12 - Sleep tracker and sleep coaching app. Available for Android and iOS.
Post Card App ★1 - Create old style post card and share on whatsapp as image. Built with Expo and available for android.
NativeBase ★10520 - builds a layer on top of React Native that provides you with basic set of components for mobile application development
Teaset ★1575 - A UI library for react native, provides 20+ pure JS(ES6) components, focusing on content display and action control.
Awesome React Native Meteor ★152 - An awesome list of resources for using Meteor and React Native together
first-born ★106 - A UI framework with pre-built components that render separately according to the underlying mobile platform.
OsmiCSX ★48 - An utility React Native style framework for rapidly building custom user interfaces.
React Native Diagnose ★13 - A framework to test a React Native app during runtime and production
Walkthroughs and tutorials that help you learn React Native.
Books - free and commercial (but only good ones).
Books - for sale.
Assortment of conference and training videos.
Training & tutorials