A curated list of awesome JSON datasets that don’t require authentication.
Link of the month: Awesome Stacks by StackShare
Sponsored link: Front End Developer Jobs
Pro Tip: Check out Cryptocurrency Market Capitalizations for more cryptocurrency prices.
with desired Pokémon number)
with another number to retrieve different type)
with another number to retrieve different ability)
Protip: https://mtgjson.com lists many more Magic: The Gathering card data sets, as well as zipped versions of all sets.
Protip: GovTrack provides a powerful API for viewing data on Congress, roll calls, and bills.
Pro Tip: you can do a lot more at http://parliamentdata.ca/
Pro Tip: At https://datos.gob.es/ you can filter all kinds of public Spanish data. From universities to local and regional government institutions.
Pro Tip: You can change
in URL to get events in a specific interval. More options here.
=== 60 seconds
Pro Tip: you can do a lot more at http://httpbin.org.
Become an OSI member here
Pro Tip: Link to country list Here
Pro Tip: you can append
to any subreddit url.
Heads up: Only works for US airports only, not international.
Pro Tip: replace the field-value for a show not listed e.g.
. More options here
Pro Tip: More options at https://rickandmortyapi.com/
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