Awesome Lists with GitHub stars

Awesome Mac

Buy me a coffee Awesome jaywcjlove/sb Gitter Track Awesome List FOSSA Status Docker Image Version (latest by date) This project is now very large, and is very different from the original idea. Here, we collect awesome macOS software and arrange them into various categories. Feel free to star and fork.

Any comments, suggestions? Let us know! GitHub Repo Stars GitHub last commit We love PRs :) Please take a look at the contributing GitHub Repo Stars GitHub last commit guidelines before opening one. Follow the awesome GitHub Repo Stars GitHub last commit list.


English 中文

Open-Source Software means open source. click the icon to see the item’s repository;
Freeware means free to use, or free personal license;
App Store means App store hyperlink;
Awesome List means hyperlink to a corresponding Awesome list for the item;

✦ My macOS application:

Copybook Generator DevTutor for SwiftUI RegexMate Time Passage Iconize Folder Textsound Saver Create Custom Symbols DevHub Resume Revise Palette Genius Symbol Scribe


Reading and Writing Tools

Applications to edit text, I suggest the open-source editors

Text Editors


Markdown Tools

Awesome List







Developer Tools


Developer Utilities

Regular Expression Editors

API Development and Analysis

Network Analysis

Command Line Tools

Awesome List

Frameworks For Hybrid Applications

Version Control



Design and Product

Design Tools

Prototyping and Mind-Mapping Tools

Screencapturing Software

Other Tools


Collaboration and Team Tools

Email Clients

File Sharing

Data Recovery Tools

Audio and Video Tools

Audio Record and Process

Download Management Tools

Cloud Storage

I recommend using online storage with Mac clients

Input Methods


Translation Tools

(Or you could just use the Mac OS built-in dictionary)




Security Tools

Proxy and VPN Tools


Clipboard Tools

File Organization Tools

General Tools

To-Do Lists


Window Management

Password Management

Finder Tools

Quality of Life Improvements

Gaming Software

Remote Login Software

QuickLook Plugins

Awesome List

Third Party App Markets

If you come across websites offering pirated software or cracks, please post HERE GitHub Repo Stars GitHub last commit. We love apps, but only authentic ones. :)

Package Managers

Here are some of the major software download sites, there are a number of OSX Mac software sites

Mac App Download Sites

Here are some of the major software download sites, there are a number of OSX Mac software sites

Genuine Sites

Pirated software download site blocklist

Refuse piracy from me. Software vendors can go to these places rights.


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This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute.


Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.