Awesome Lists with GitHub stars

Awesome IPFS Awesome

This is a community list of awesome projects, apps, tools, and services related to IPFS.

To submit your project, read the Content Policy GitHub Repo Stars GitHub last commit, and submit a PR GitHub Repo Stars GitHub last commit

Table of Contents


IPFS is an open-source project that encourages the development of multiple implementations of the protocol, each of which seeks to optimize for various use cases.

Check out the list of IPFS implementations in the IPFS docs.



A list of web browsers with IPFS integrations


Services & Platforms

Pinning services

Stale Projects

We maintain a list of no longer maintained projects for reference. If you see something on this list that’s no longer maintained, please submit a PR moving the entry into and optionally add the reason why it’s marked as stale with an indented comment.

View the list of stale projects here


Contributions are welcome!

See the Contribution Guidelines.
