# Awesome k6 [](https://awesome.re)
A collection of resources by the community, on (testing with)
Contributions are welcome! Read the [contribution guidelines](contributing.md) first.
k6 Learn
- Explanation of the principles of load testing and practical examples for how to do it with k6.
k6 OSS workshop
- A 2-3 hour k6 workshop with practical k6 examples using the QuickPizza demo app.
Beginner’s guide to load testing with k6 - Introductory guide in several parts, helping you get started with k6.
Best practices organizing performance testing projects with k6 - Guidelines to scale your performance testing across multiple teams and projects.
Distributed load testing with k6 - Thijs Feryn presents in ConFoo Montreal 2023.
Load Testing with k6 - Brief overview of features and capabilities of k6.
Test and visualize with InfluxDB, Grafana and K6 - Setting up load tests and visualizing them using grafana dashboards.
Open source load testing tool review 2020 - Detailed comparison of the most popular open source load testing tools.
Load Testing Your API with Swagger/OpenAPI and k6 - Generate k6 load test scripts from OpenAPI specifications.
Load Testing Your API with Postman - How to use Postman collections to load test your API.
Load Testing & Black Friday capacity planning - How Back Market prepared for Black Friday with k6 based load testing.
Load Testing SQL Databases with k6 - How to use the xk6-sql extension to test SQL databases directly.
Introducing TestRail in your K6 tests - Reporting k6 output to TestRail.
Beautiful Load Testing With K6 and Docker Compose - How to run load tests using the awesome combination of Docker Compose, K6, InfluxDB and Grafana.
Load Testing with Azure DevOps and k6 - How to setup Azure DevOps to perform automated load tests using k6, handleCallback, and JUnit.
K6 — Custom Slack Integration: Metrics are the Magic of Tests - How to send k6 output results to Slack using the handleSummary callback.
Load testing with k6 - Using k6 for load, soak, stress, spike and smoke testing.
How to write three times fewer lines of code when doing load testing - Building a k6 extension in Go to test Tarantool.
- Load Testing. k6 + TypeScript + Azure DevOps
Performance testing with k6 - On API performance testing, with Open API and TypeScript.
k6 introduces browser automation and Prometheus support in k6 OSS - From the Grafana blog: feature announcements at ObservabilityCON 2021.
Testing shift left observability with the Grafana Stack, OpenTelemetry, and k6 - From the Grafana blog: a summary of Executive Director of Platform Engineering at JPMorgan Chase, Vinodh Ravi’s talk at ObservabilityCON 2021.
Umbraco 9 - What a Performance! - Test the performance of Umbraco v9 on Azure against Umbraco v8 and comparing Windows vs Linux.
On maintaining a k6 codebase, Part 1 - Personal tips to maintain a challenging k6 load testing codebase.
Distributed Load Testing With K6 - Setting up distributed execution with k6-operator and Argo workflows.
Load testing with k6 and k8s - The Toucan DevOps team explains why they chose k6 as their load testing tool and how they deploy it on k8s.
CloudPosse’s Load Testing Stack
- Load testing stack using k6, Grafana and InfluxDB.
Real-time stress:
AnyCable, k6, WebSockets, and Yabeda - Evil Martians adding “real-time stress” with k6 and WebSockets.
Scaling Confidently with the Load and Fault Team - Robinhood on load testing a Kubernetes system with k6.
Streamlining Performance Testing with K6 and ChatGPT - Monish Correia writes k6 tests using GitHub co-pilot.
- Tool for converting k6 output to JUnit XML for easy use with CIs.
- Tool for converting k6 output to HTML reports.
- Tool for generating k6 HTML reports.
- Tool for converting HAR recordings to k6 test scripts.
- Tool for converting Postman collections to k6 test scripts.
k6 generator
- Tool for converting Swagger/OpenAPI specifications to k6 test scripts.
- Tool for converting JMeter test cases to k6 test scripts.
jslib.k6.io - Useful utility libs for k6 scripts.
k6 for visual studio code - Marketplace Extension for running k6 directly from your IDE.
k6 for IntelliJ - IntelliJ-based Plugin to run k6 tests locally or in the k6 Cloud from your IntelliJ IDE.
- k6 Testkube executor
- k6 JUnit summary exporter libray.
- k6 library that simplifies writing tests in a functional way by providing a jest-like syntax for expectations.
How They Load Test
- A collection of resources on how companies around the world perform load testing.
Load Testing Toolkit
- A collection of open-source tools for debugging, benchmarking, load and stress testing your code or services.
- A collection of HTTP benchmark tools, testing/debugging, & restAPI (RESTful).
Want to help in making this list better? Yay, that’s awesome! Before you get started though, please have a look at our code of conduct and contribution guidelines.