Awesome Lists with GitHub stars

Awesome Diversity

Awesome Mencionado en Comunidad Tecnológica ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](

:sparkles: A curated list of amazingly awesome articles, websites and resources about diversity in technology. :sparkles:

This list contains a variety of resources on diversity, more specifically diversity in tech, including posts, talks, actionable resources, conferences, social media advocates and more. The goal of the list is to provide quick access to information on diversity to tech companies and communities that are willing to do better in their everyday actions to make the tech industry a more inclusive place, and to individuals that look for further reading on topics that might interest them about diversity and equity in the tech field.

Always work in progress.



Organizations bringing diversity to tech.


The following is a list of events that make a special effort to be inclusive and encourage diversity

Ally Resources

The following are collections of various types of resources (talks, documents, blog posts etc) for being an ally in any diversity efforts.

Actionable Resources

The following is a list of individual resources with actionable items for being an ally in any diversity efforts.


Open source projects which support underrepresented groups and where you can participate.


Both articles and posts on diversity and inclusiveness in technology.


Talks and presentations about diversity, consensual software and safe communities.


People who publicly support and empower underrepresented groups in tech.


Books that offer deep insights on diversity and inclusiveness in technology.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for more details. Here you have the alphabetical list of contributors of this repository.

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Our Code of Conduct is adapted from the Contributor Covenant.