Awesome Diversity
:sparkles: A curated list of amazingly awesome articles, websites and resources about diversity in technology. :sparkles:
This list contains a variety of resources on diversity, more specifically diversity in tech, including posts, talks, actionable resources, conferences, social media advocates and more. The goal of the list is to provide quick access to information on diversity to tech companies and communities that are willing to do better in their everyday actions to make the tech industry a more inclusive place, and to individuals that look for further reading on topics that might interest them about diversity and equity in the tech field.
Always work in progress.
Organizations bringing diversity to tech.
1 Million Women To Tech
- Organization whose mission is to offer free coding education to 1 million women by 2020. Has free (DIY) and paid (certification) courses.
Algorithmic Justice League - Collective that aims to fight algorithmic bias.
AnyKey - Organization whose mission is to help create fair and inclusive spaces in esports for marginalized members of the gaming community.
Black Compute HER - Dedicated to supporting computing+tech education and workforce development for black women and girls.
Black Girls Code - Organization devoted to showing the world that black girls can code.
Black Girl Gamers - A safe space that supports black girl gamers. Also found on:
Blacks In Technology - Oragnization focused on “Stomping the Divide” by establishing a blueprint of world-class technical excellence and innovation.
Black Women in Computational Biology - An intersectional community of Black women who are working toward (or interested in) a career that combines computational and quantitative sciences with biology.
Bridge Troll - Events organized by volunteers to empower people with technology.
Brown Girl, Tech World - Digital safe space and non profit organization for brown women & girls navigating the tech industry.
Code 2040 - Through a variety of programs and fellowships, Code2040 is a great initiative creating opportunities in tech for Black and Latinx talent.
Codebar - Codebar is a non-profit initiative that facilitates the growth of a diverse tech community by running regular programming workshops.
Code Liberation - Code Liberation catalyzes the creation of digital games and creative technologies by women, nonbinary, femme, and girl-identifying people to diversify STEAM fields.
Consensual Software - An open source project advocating for better use consent in software design.
Computational Biology in Sweden, RSG-Sweden - A team of students and researchers working together to get more people interested in computational biology, and connect people to build a diverse and inclusive community across Sweden.
Dear Tech People - A race and gender diversity ranking of 100 top tech companies.
Dev Color - A non-profit organization that aims to advance the careers of Black software engineers.
Disability Visibility Project - An online community dedicated to creating, sharing, and amplifying disability media and culture.
Diversify Tech - A collection of resources for underrepresented people in tech.
Diversity Charter - Charter to show that you care about diversity.
Django Girls - Non-profit organization and a community that empowers and helps women to organize programming workshops.
EquitableTech - Non-profit organization working to diversify tech, with a focus on open source.
FrameShift Consulting - FrameShift open sources their fantastic Ally Skills Workshop, Conference incident response materials and many other resources allowing to scale creating welcoming, inclusive, diverse cultures.
Fund Club - Fund Club raises money to numerous initiatives for mental health, diversity, inclusion, anti-harassment and more.
Geek Girls Carrots - Attracting women to tech since 2011.
Girl Develop It - Nonprofit organization that exists to provide affordable and judgment-free opportunities for women interested in learning web and software development.
Girl Gamers - Community for ladies to discuss gaming, women in geek culture, and experiences that occur as a result of gender.
Girls In Tech Global Classroom - Organization that offers tech related courses, such as 3-D Tinkercad design, to girls and women, at no cost.
Girls Who Code - Organization which aims to close the gender gap in technology.
- List of inclusive companies for people of color in tech.
Hack The Hood - Non-profit organization that introduces low-income youth of color to careers in tech.
Hidden Genius Project - Program to connect young black males with all they need to become high-performing entrepreneurs and technologists.
Kapor Center - The Kapor family of organizations works to remove barriers to Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) education and tech careers for underrepresented people of color.
Lesbians Who Tech - Lesbians Who Tech is a community of queer women in or around tech (and the people who love them).
OS4W - OS4W aims to be a resource for connecting all women, including women of color and transgender women, to open source projects that are welcoming, inclusive, and appreciative of diversity in their contributors.
Open Source Diversity - Open Source Diversity is a community gathering resources, building networks and collaborating for more diversity & inclusion in free & open source software communities.
Open Sourcing Mental Illness - Open Sourcing Mental Illness is a non-profit corporation dedicated to raising awareness, educating, and providing resources to support mental wellness in the tech and open source communities.
Out In Tech - Non-profit organization that unites the LGBTQ+ tech community.
OpenCIDER - A community building effort to promote computational inclusion and serve as digital equity resource.
ParadigmIQ - Paradigm offers a range of workshops, training and assessments aiding in diversity, inclusion, belonging, retention and more.
People Of Creativity - Organization that focuses on creating a community that shares opportunities, experiences and ideas ultimately bettering the representation of minorities throughout creative industries.
PHP Women - An inclusive & global network providing support within the PHP community.
Ping A Programadoras - Group of women and people of non-binary gender whose purposes are the reflection and empowerment in the field of technology.
Pink Programming - A non-profit organization that organizes code events for the women, transgender, and non-binary communities.
Project Alloy - Project Alloy is building a more inclusive technical community, one conference at a time, by offering financial grants and other resources to people who are early in their career and underrepresented in tech.
Project Include - Non-profit organization that uses data and advocacy to accelerate diversity and inclusion solutions in the tech industry.
PyLadies - International mentorship group with a focus on helping more women become active participants and leaders in the Python open-source community.
Q-Space - Queer and feminist maker space located in Beijing, China, providing a learning space and community actions for change.
Rails Girls - Organization which aims to give tools and a community for women to understand technology and to build their ideas.
Rails Girls Summer Of Code - Rails Girls Summer of Code is a global fellowship program aimed at bringing more diversity into Open Source.
R-Ladies - A worl-wide organization to promote gender diversity in the R community.
RightsTech Women - Switzerland-based nonprofit that combines robotics, technology and human rights training for girls and women.
Scala Bridge - Building an inclusive Scala community with introductory programming workshops for women.
She++ - Non-profit organization that works to empower underrepresented groups in technology by dismantling negative stereotypes surrounding technical careers.
She Can Code - An organization with the mission of empower women to enter and remain in the tech industry.
Techqueria - A non-profit organization that serves the largest community of Latinx in Tech.
Techtonica - Techtonica partners with tech companies to offer tech apprenticeships with stipends and job placement to Bay Area women and non-binary, feminine-adjacent adults with low incomes.
Tech Ladies - Tech Ladies connects women with the best jobs and opportunities in tech.
Teens Exploring Technology - Encourages inner city teenage Black and Latino males to become catalysts of change in urban communities.
TLA Black Women In Tech - Not-for-profit organisation dedicated to building bridges of opportunities in tech by enabling black female talents to excel and companies to have access to black women of talent.
TLA Women In Tech - Working group dedicated to increasing gender balance and equality in tech.
- [TransH4CK]( - Trans*H4CK empowers trans, gender non conforming, agender and nonbinary people through improving access to social services, promoting gender safety and community sustainability while bringing visibility to trans tech innovators and entrepreneurs.
Women Love Tech - Women Love Tech was launched with the vision to share a passion and love for technology. Since then, Women Love Tech has evolved into a lifestyle technology digital magazine for women who love all things tech that can enhance their everyday lifestyle.
Women Make - A community where women are in the forefront.
Women Hack For Non-Profits - A community of women in tech building open source projects for non-profit organizations and individuals with a cause.
Women Techmakers - Google’s program that provides visibility, community, and resources for women in technology.
Women Who Code - Women Who Code is a global community empowering women to excel in technology fields through resources, job boards, conference scholarships and other member benefits.
Women Who Go - A network focused on building a more diverse and inclusive Golang community.
Women Who Tech - Nonprofit organization to bring together talented and renowned women breaking new ground in technology to transform the world and inspire change.
Wonder Women Tech - Organization that produces year-round programming and national and international conferences that highlight, educate, and celebrate women and diversity in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math), innovation and entrepreneurialism.
Write/Speak/Code - A 501c3, tax-exempt non-profit that hosts an annual conference and meetup events designed to help you fully own your expertise through writing, speaking, and open source.
YesWeTech - Feminist community working for an egalitarian and proud culture of women interested in technology.
Natives in Tech - Natives in Tech is a coalition of Native and non-Native software developers whose goal is to support software application development that reinforces Native beliefs, knowledge, and identity.
Brazilians in Tech- Brazilians in Tech is the first Brazilian platform to bring together the most relevant opportunities in the world of Science and Technology for women working or interested in digital technologies.
Latinas in computing - A community created by and for the Latinas in Computing with a mission of promoting their representation and success in computing-related fields.
Latinas in tech - a non-profit organization with the aim to connect, support, and empower Latina women working in tech. We work hand in hand with top technology companies to create safe spaces for learning, mentorship and recruitment.
The following is a list of events that make a special effort to be inclusive and encourage diversity
ACT-W National Conference - Presented by ChickTech, ACT-W National focuses on providing you with inspiring and actionable education in career development, leadership, technology, and diversity.
AlterConf - AlterConf is a traveling conference series that provides safe opportunities for marginalized people and those who support them in the tech and gaming industries.
DDD Europe - Domain-Driven Design Europe is a focused on software design and modeling. They have an amazing commitment to diversity and improving their event.
Lambda World - Lambda World is a functional programming conference with an ideology of empowering underrepresented minorities in tech. In this mindset, we have a few actions we follow such as creating grants to cover tickets and accommodation, hosting inclusive workshops, and making conferences more accessible to individuals finding it hard to be away from their families, by providing tourist activities, and necessities like cribs and strollers.
PyMCon - PyMCon is an asynchronous-first virtual conference for the Bayesian community organized by the PyMC community with a strong emphasis on diversity and inclusion from the organizing committee to attendees.
REFACTR.TECH - REFACTR.TECH focuses on technology while creating a safe space for thoughtful and nuanced conversations around diversity, inclusion, and intersectionality in tech.
Ally Resources
The following are collections of various types of resources (talks, documents, blog posts etc) for being an ally in any diversity efforts.
Actionable Resources
The following is a list of individual resources with actionable items for being an ally in any diversity efforts.
Open source projects which support underrepresented groups and where you can participate.
A11y Project - A community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.
Accessibility Cloud - Simplifies sharing and obtaining accessibility data in a standardized, future-proof, easy-to-use way.
CHAOSS D&I Workgroup - Collection of resources for projects to create a diversity and inclusion report.
Chayn - A volunteer network tackling gender based violence globally by creating intersectional survivor-led resources on the web.
Diversity Tickets - Help events reach a more diverse audience. And help you to find these events.
SignDict - An open dictionary for sign language.
The Supernova Project - A global effort that aims to contribute to addressing abuse within the LGBTQIA+ communities.
Wheelmap - The world’s biggest crowdsourced and open database for wheelchair-accessible places.
WikiProject Women in Red - Increasing the representation of women on Wikipedia through biographies and articles of women’s achievements.
Both articles and posts on diversity and inclusiveness in technology.
100 Women In Tech And Founders To Follow On Twitter - By Allyson Kapin.
30+ Diversity And Inclusion Activists And Organisations I Look Up To - By Karolina Szczur.
A Brief History Of Women In Computing - By Faruk Ateş.
A Counterintuitive Way To Increase Diversity In Tech - By Rachel Nabors.
A Study Used Sensors To Show That Men And Women Are Treated Differently At Work - By Stephen Turban, Laura Freeman and Ben Waber.
Accessibility 101: Introduction To Disability And Accessibility - By Jenny Lay-Flurrie.
Advice For Women In Tech Who Are Tired Of Talking About Women In Tech - By Valerie Aurora.
Becoming A 10x Developer - By Kate Heddleston.
Bias, Diversity, Backlash, Manifestos, And Rebuttals - By Lorena A Barba.
Can We Talk About The Gender Pay Gap? - By Xaquín González Veira.
Code Of Conduct Enforcement Warning Signs - By Otter Tech.
Creating Safe Places - By Laura Bell.
Designing Forms For Gender Diversity And Inclusion - By Sabrina Fonseca.
Diverse Teams Feel Less Comfortable — And That’s Why They Perform Better - By David Rock, Heidi Grant and Jacqui Grey.
Ellen Pao: Has Anything Really Changed For Women In Tech? - By Ellen Pao.
Emotional Labor Is The Unpaid Job Men Still Don’t Understand - By Gemma Hartley.
Engineering A Culture Of Psychological Safety - By John Looney.
Gaming While Black: Casual Racism To Cautious Optimism - By Jessica Conditt.
Gender Bias? A Transgender Perspective! - By Daniela Petruzalek.
Getting Free Of Toxic Tech Culture - By Valerie Aurora and Susan Wu.
Hidden Figures: How Silicon Valley Keeps Diversity Data Secret - By
Will Evans and Sinduja Rangarajan.
How Can I Get A Diverse And Inclusive Team? - By María Arias de Reyna Domínguez.
How “Good Intent” Undermines Diversity And Inclusion - By Annalee.
How Tech’s Lack Of Diversity Leads To Racist Software - By Wendy Lee.
How To Be An Ally - By André Arko.
How To Maintain A Predominantly White Workplace - By Leniece Flowers Brissett.
I’m Not Your Guy, Dude: Why Language Really Does Matter - By Diane Rubino.
If You Can’t Find A Spouse Who Supports Your Career, Stay Single - By Avivah Wittenberg-Cox.
If You Think Women In Tech Is Just A Pipeline Problem, You Haven’t Been Paying Attention - By Rachel Thomas.
Important Women In CS Who Aren’t Grace Hopper - By Hillel Wayne.
Not Applicable: What Your Job Post Is Really Saying - By Coraline Ada.
On Toxic Jobs, Low Self-Esteem, & Interviewing - By Rachel Thomas.
Racial Bias At Tech Companies Is Real - By Suzannah Weiss.
Recruiting For Privilege - By Tobbe Gyllebring.
Software Development 450 Words Per Minute - By Tuukka Ojala, a Blind Software Engineer.
Stop Saying That Diversity Means Lowering The Bar - By Leah Fessler.
Strategies For Hiring Diverse Candidates - By Joy Ebertz.
Striving To Be Seen: Black Girl Gamers On Twitch - By Jessica Conditt.
Struggling For Investments, Silicon Valley Women Reluctant To Speak Out On Harassment - By Laura Sydell.
Survey Finds That In Tech, Retaliation For Speaking Up About Workplace Discrimination Is Common - By Janet Nguyen and David Brancaccio.
Survival Tips For Women In Tech - By Patricia Aas.
The Do’s And Don’ts Of Being A Good Ally - By Karnythia.
The Other Diversity Dividend - By Paul Gompers and Silpa Kovvali.
The Perverse Incentives That Help Incels Thrive In Tech - By Ellen Pao.
The Tech Industry’s Gender-Discrimination Problem - By Sheelah Kolhatkar.
There’s A Big Difference Between An Intention To Be Inclusive And A Strategy - By Kim Crayton.
This Is How Sexism Works In Silicon Valley My Lawsuit Failed. Others won’t. - By Ellen Pao.
ThoughtWorks’ Insights On Inclusivity:
Tools For White Guys Who Are Working For Social Change - By Chris Crass.
Trans-Inclusive Design - By Erin White.
True Diversity Is Intersectional - By Ellen Pao.
We Need More Radical Solutions For Diversity And Inclusion - By Ellen K. Pao.
What Does It Mean To Be A Feminist Coder In 2018? - By Xiaowei R. Wang.
What I Learned From The Fall Of Ellen Pao - By Madhushree Ghosh.
White Fragility In Teaching And Education Technology - By Mary Jo Madda.
Who Killed The Junior Developer? - By Melissa McEwen.
Why Are There Few Women In Tech? Watch A Recruiting Session - By Jessi Hempel.
Why Diverse Teams Matter - By Brad McLain, Catherine Ashcraft and Lucy Sanders.
Why Doesn’t My Company Get Credit For Tackling Gender Diversity? - By Ellen K. Pao.
Why Don’t European Girls Like Science Or Technology? - By Microsoft.
Why I Care About Diversity In Tech - By Tracy Chou.
Why I Don’t Use My Real Photo When Messaging With Customers On My Website - By Julia Enthoven.
Why Men Don’t Believe The Data On Gender Bias In Science - By Allison Coil.
Why More Tech Companies Should Hire People With Disabilities - By Zoë Henry.
Why Tech Needs The Rooney Rule - By Sammy Ahmed.
Why We Shouldn’t Underestimate The Power Of Diversity - By Joi Ito and Jeff Howe.
Why Your Efforts To Fix Your Pipeline Aren’t Fixing Your Pipeline - By Chelsea Troy.
Women And Minorities Are Penalized For Promoting Diversity - By Stefanie K. Johnson and David R. Hekman.
You Can’t Just Hit The Diversity Button - By Project Include’s Laura I. Gómez.
Your Company’s Slack Is Probably Sexist - By Leah Fessler.
Diversity in Tech - By Adam Recvlohe
Talks and presentations about diversity, consensual software and safe communities.
People who publicly support and empower underrepresented groups in tech.
FolksWhoCode - Organization which aims for a more rich and diverse tech community.
Books that offer deep insights on diversity and inclusiveness in technology.
Please see CONTRIBUTING for more details. Here you have the alphabetical list of contributors of this repository.
This project is part of the folkswhocode organization.
This means that it adheres to its core values
, code of conduct
contributing guidelines, and uses an equivalent license.
Our Code of Conduct is adapted from the Contributor Covenant.