Awesome HPC
High Performance Computing tools and resources for engineers and administrators.
High Performance Computing (HPC) most generally refers to the practice of aggregating computing power in a way that delivers much higher performance than one could get out of a typical desktop computer or workstation in order to solve large problems in science, engineering, or business.
(click to expand)
- [Provisioning](#provisioning)
- [Workload Managers](#workload-managers)
- [Pipelines](#pipelines)
- [Applications](#applications)
- [Compilers](#compilers)
- [MPI](#mpi)
- [Parallel Computing](#parallel-computing)
- [Benchmarking](#benchmarking)
- [Miscellaneous](#miscellaneous)
- [Performance](#performance)
- [Parallel Shells](#parallel-shells)
- [Containers](#containers)
- [Environment Management](#environment-management)
- [Visualization](#visualization)
- [Parallel Filesystems](#parallel-filesystems)
- [Programming Languages](#programming-languages)
- [Monitoring](#monitoring)
- [Journals](#journals)
- [Podcasts](#podcasts)
- [Blogs](#blogs)
- [Conferences](#conferences)
- [Websites](#websites)
- [User Groups](#user-groups)
Grendel - Bare Metal Provisioning system for HPC Linux clusters (Source Code)
XCat - xCAT is a toolkit for deployment and administration of clusters of all sizes (Source Code
) EPL-1.0
Warewulf - Warewulf is a stateless and diskless container operating system provisioning system for large clusters of bare metal and/or virtual systems (Source Code
) BSD-3
Rocks - A Linux distribution for developing Linux clusters
Cobbler - Cobbler is a Linux installation server that allows for rapid setup of network installation environments (Source Code
) GPL-2.0
Base Command Manager - Base Command Manager allows administrator to quickly build and manage heterogeneous clusters
Scyld - Scyld Clusterware Scyld ClusterWare is developed based on the continuing evolution of Beowulf clusters first developed at NASA in the 1990s
BlueBanquise - BlueBanquise is an open source cluster deployment and management stack built on Python and Ansible (Source Code
Workload Managers
Slurm - A free and open source job scheduler (Source Code
LSF - A job scheduler and workload management software developed by IBM
Moab - Moab is a workload management and job scheduler
Torque - Torque is a workload management and job scheduler
OpenLava - OpenLava is a workload management and job scheduler
UGE/SGE - Univa Grid Engine is a workload management engine for HPC
Volcano - Volcano is a batch system built on Kubernetes
Maui - Maui is a workload management and job scheduler
Kube Batch
- A batch scheduler of kubernetes for high performance workload, e.g. AI/ML, BigData, HPC Apache-2.0
OpenPBS - OpenPBS® software optimizes job scheduling and workload management in high-performance computing (HPC) environments (Source Code
) other
Nextflow - Data drive computational pipelines
Cromwell - Scientific workflow engine designed for simplicity & scalability (Source Code
) BSD-3
Pegasus - A configurable system for mapping and executing scientific workflows over a wide range of computational infrastructure (Source Code
Spack - A flexible package manager that supports multiple versions, configurations, platforms, and compilers (Source Code
) other
EasyBuild - EasyBuild - building software with ease (Source Code
) GPL-2
Nvidia - NVIDIA HPC compiler suite for Fortran, C/C++ with OpenACC
Portland Group - The Portland Group compilers were Fortran, C/C++ compilers now integrated into NVIDIA HPC SDK
Intel - The Intel compiler suite offers many language compilers for use in the HPC space
Cray - A suite of compilers designed and optimized to target the AMD interlagos instruction set
GNU - The GNU Compiler Collection is a suite of compilers targeting many languages (Source Code)
LLVM - The LLVM project is a collection of modular compilers and toolchains (Source Code
OpenMPI - OpenMPI is an open source implementation of the MPI-3.1 standard (Source Code
MPICH - MPICH is a high-performance and widely portable implementation of the MPI-3.1 standard (Source Code
) other
MVAPICH - MVAPICH is an open source implementation of the MPI-3.1 standard developed by Ohio State University
Intel-MPI - Intel-MPI is Intel’s MPI-3.1 implementation included in their compiler suite
Parallel Computing
ArrayFire - A general purpose tensor library that simplifies the process of software development for parallel architectures
OpenMP - OpenMP is an application programming interface that supports multi-platform shared-memory multiprocessing programming
OSU Benchmarks - A collection of benchmarking tools for MPI developed by Ohio State University
Intel MPI Benchmarks - A set of benchmarks developed by Intel for use with their Intel MPI
HPCC Systems - HPCC Systems (High Performance Computing Cluster) is an open source, massive parallel-processing computing platform for big data processing and analytics (Source Code
) other
LINPACK - LINPACK is a set of efficient fortran subroutines for solving linear systems which benchmarks are useful for HPC
IOzone - IOzone is a filesystem benchmark tool
IOR - Interleaved or Random is a useful benchmarking tool for testing parallel filesystems
MDtest - MDtest is an MPI-based application for evaluating the metadata performance of a file system
FIO - Flexible I/O is an advanced disk benchmark that depends upon the kernel’s AIO access library (Source Code)
- A distributed storage benchmark for files, objects & blocks with support for GPUs GPL-3
OpenOnDemand - Open OnDemand helps computational researchers and students efficiently utilize remote computing resources by making them easy to access from any device (Source Code
Open XDMod - Open XDMoD is an open source tool to facilitate the management of high performance computing resources (Source Code
) LGPL-3
Coldfront - ColdFront is an open source resource allocation system designed to provide a central portal for administration, reporting, and measuring scientific impact of HPC resources (Source Code
) GPL-3
Pavilion2 - Pavilion is a Python 3 (3.6+) based framework for running and analyzing tests targeting HPC systems (Source Code
) other
Reframe - A powerful Python framework for writing and running portable regression tests and benchmarks for HPC systems. (Source Code
) BSD-3
OLCF Test Harness - The OLCF Test Harness (OTH) helps automate the testing of applications, tools, and other system software (Source Code
) other
- Goslmailer is a drop-in notification delivery solution for slurm that can do slack, mattermost, teams, and more.
TotalView - TotalView is a debugging tool for HPC applications
Tau - TAU Performance System® is a portable profiling and tracing toolkit for performance analysis of parallel programs written in Fortran, C, C++, UPC, Java, Python
Valgrind - Valgrind is a tool designed to profile programs to determine memory leaks (Source Code)
Paraver - Paraver is a very flexible data browser that is part of the CEPBA-Tools toolkit
PAPI - Performance Application Programming Interface (PAPI) is a performance analysis tool (Source Code)
Parallel Shells
Apptainer - Apptainer is an open source container system (Source Code
Charliecloud - Charliecloud provides user-defined software stacks (UDSS) for high-performance computing (HPC) centers (Source Code
) Apache-2.0
Docker - Docker is a set of platform as a service products that use OS-level virtualization to deliver software in packages called containers
uDocker - A basic user tool to execute simple docker containers in batch or interactive systems without root privileges (Source Code
) Apache-2.0
Shifter - Shifter is Linux containers for HPC (Source Code
) other
HPC Container Maker
- HPC Container Maker is an open source tool to make it easier to generate container specification files. Apache-2.0
- An OCI-compatible container engine for HPC BSD
Singularity HPC - Singularity Registry HPC (shpc) allows you to install containers as modules (Source Code
) MPL 2.0
Environment Management
Lmod - Lmod: An Environment Module System based on Lua, Reads TCL Modules, Supports a Software Hierarchy (Source Code
) other
Environment Modules - Environment Modules: provides dynamic modification of a user’s environment (Source Code
) GPL-2
Anaconda - Anaconda is a Python and R distribution for use in computational science
Mamba - Mamba is a reimplementation of the conda package manager in C++ (Source Code
Visit - VisIt - Visualization and Data Analysis for Mesh-based Scientific Data (Source Code
) BSD-3
Paraview - ParaView is an open-source, multi-platform data analysis and visualization application based on Visualization Toolkit (VTK) (Source Code
) BSD-3
Parallel Filesystems
GPFS - GPFS is a high-performance clustered file system software developed by IBM
Quobyte - A high performance filesystem
Ceph - Ceph is a distributed object, block, and file storage platform (Source Code
) other
Weka - A file system designed for HPC
Lustre/Exascaler - Lustre is an open-source, distributed parallel file system software platform designed for scalability, high-performance, and high-availability (Source Code)
BeeGFS - BeeGFS is a hardware-independent POSIX parallel file system developed with a strong focus on performance and designed for ease of use, simple installation, and management
OrangeFS - OrangeFS is a next generation parallel file system for Linux clusters (Source Code
) other
MooseFS - Moose File System is an Open-source, POSIX-compliant distributed file system developed by Core Technology (Source Code
) GPL-2.0
Programming Languages
Julia - Julia is a high-level, high-performance dynamic language for technical computing
Futhark - Futhark is a purely functional data-parallel programming language in the ML family
Chapel - Chapel is a programming language designed for productive parallel computing at scale
Prometheus Based
Slurm Exporter
- Prometheus exporter for performance metrics from Slurm GPL-3.0
Slurm Exporter
- Slurm Exporter for Prometheus using Rest API GPL-3.0
Infiniband Exporter
- The InfiniBand exporter collects counters from InfiniBand switches and HCAs Apache-2.0
Cgroup Exporter
- Produces metrics from cgroups Apache-2.0
Cgroup Exporter
- A Prometheus exporter for cgroup-level metrics unknown
GPFS Exporter
- The GPFS exporter collects metrics from the GPFS filesystem Apache-2.0
Lustre Exporter
- Prometheus exporter for use with the Lustre parallel filesystem GPL-3.0
DCGM Exporter
- NVIDIA GPU metrics exporter for Prometheus leveraging DCGM Apache-2.0
This week in HPC - Each week, Intersect360 Research CEO Addison Snell and HPCwire editor Tiffany Trader dissect the week’s top HPC stories.
Exascaler Project - ECP’s Let’s Talk Exascale podcast goes behind the scenes to chat with some of the people who are bringing a capable and sustainable exascale computing ecosystem to fruition.
@HPCpodcast - Join Shahin Khan and Doug Black as they discuss Supercomputing technologies and the applications, markets, and policies that shape them.
HPCWire - Since 1987 covering the fastest computers in the world and the people who run them.
InsideHPC - insideHPC is a global publication recognized for its comprehensive and insightful coverage of the HPC-AI community, linking vendors, end-users and HPC strategists.
The Next Platform - Offers in-depth coverage of high-end computing at large enterprises, supercomputing centers, hyperscale data centers, and public clouds.
The Register HPC - The Register is a leading and trusted global online enterprise technology news publication, reaching roughly 40 million readers worldwide.
HPC at Dell - High-Performance Computing knowledge base articles from Dell.
Pearc - Practice & Experience in Advanced Research Computing.
Supercomputing (SC) - The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis.
Supercomputing International (ISC) - The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis.
CCGrid - IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing.
IEEE-HPEC - IEEE High Performance Embedded Computing.
Hot Chips - Semiconductor industry’s leading conference on high-performance microprocessors and related circuits.
Hot Interconnects - IEEE conference on software architectures and implementations for interconnection networks of all scales.
ESSA - Workshop on Extreme-Scale Storage and Analysis.
IEEE-IPDPS - IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium.
ESPM2 Workshop - International Workshop on Extreme Scale Programming Models and Middleware.
LCI Workshops - The Linux Clusters Institute (LCI) is providing education and advanced technical training for the deployment and use of computing clusters to the high performance computing community worldwide.
HPC Carpentry - Teaching basic skills for high-performance computing.
Top500 - The TOP500 project ranks and details the 500 most powerful non-distributed computer systems in the world.
User Groups
MVAPICH - The MUG conference provides an open forum for all attendees (users, system administrators, researchers, engineers, and students) to discuss and share their knowledge on using MVAPICH libraries.
Slurm - The annual Slurm user group meeting.
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