Awesome Lists with GitHub stars

Awesome BLE Awesome

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE): Low-power wireless communication protocol enabling efficient data exchange between devices, ideal for IoT, wearables, and other battery-powered applications.

A collaborative list of Awesome Bluetooth Low Energy resources by đź”´ intent.



Official specifications, standards, and technical documentation about the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) protocol.


Software libraries and frameworks for integrating Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) functionality into various platforms, including mobile, embedded systems, and IoT devices.


iOS libraries, tools, and resources for developing Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) applications on Apple devices.


Resources and libraries for building Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) applications using the Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM) framework.


Android libraries, tools, and resources for integrating Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) functionality into Android applications.


Flutter libraries, tools, and resources for developing Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) applications using the Flutter framework for both iOS and Android.


Development and testing tools for Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) applications, including analyzers, debuggers, and simulators.


Web-based resources, frameworks, and tools for building Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) applications using JavaScript and web technologies.


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