Awesome AWS
A curated list of awesome AWS libraries, open source repos, guides, blogs, and other resources.
Inspired by the awesome
The Fiery Meter of AWSome
- Repo with 0100+ Stars: :fire:
- Repo with 0200+ Stars: :fire::fire:
- Repo with 0500+ Stars: :fire::fire::fire:
- Repo with 1000+ Stars: :fire::fire::fire::fire:
- Repo with 2000+ Stars: :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:
Repos not on The Fiery Meter of AWSome
can still be awesome, see A Note on Repo AWSomeness
Python Module

The Python module awesome-aws
regularly scans repos on Awesome AWS
to maintain the accuracy of the Fiery Meter of AWSome
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Review the Contributing Guidelines
Also check out the Watch List
SDKs and Samples
AWS and community SDKs with samples and docs, grouped by language.
Android SDK
The C++ SDK is a labs project with limited docs and/or samples.
Clojure SDK
The Clojure SDK is a community project with limited docs and/or samples.)
Related Repos:
The IoT SDK is a labs project with limited docs and/or samples.
Java SDK
JavaScript SDK
Related Repos:
Haskell SDK
Related Repos:
The Haskell SDK is a community project with limited docs and/or samples.
Perl SDK
The Perl SDK is a community project.
Related Repos:
Python SDK
Related Repos:
Ruby SDK
Related Repos:
Rust SDK
The Rust SDK is a community project with limited docs and/or samples.
Scala SDK
Related Repos:
The Scala SDK is a labs project with limited docs and/or samples.
Unity SDK
Xamarin SDK
The Xamarin SDK is a labs project with limited docs and/or samples.
AWS and community command line tools with samples and docs.
Universal Command Line Interface
Related Repos:
Windows PowerShell
Official IDE toolkits with samples and docs.
Open Source Repos
AWS and community open source projects, grouped by service. See A Note on Repo AWSomeness
for more details.
API Gateway
AWS Repos:
Community Repos:
AWS Repos:
Community Repos:
AWS Repos:
Community Repos:
AWS Repos:
Community Repos:
AWS Repos:
Community Repos:
AWS Repos:
Community Repos:
Code Deploy
AWS Repos:
Community Repos:
Code Pipeline
AWS Repos:
Community Repos:
AWS Repos:
Community Repos:
Data Pipeline
AWS Repos:
Community Repos:
Device Farm
AWS Repos:
Community Repos:
AWS Repos:
Community Repos:
Elastic Beanstalk
AWS Repos:
Community Repos:
Elastic Compute Cloud
AWS Repos:
Community Repos:
Elastic Container Service
AWS Repos:
Community Repos:
Elastic File System
AWS Repos:
Community Repos:
Elastic MapReduce
AWS Repos:
Community Repos:
Elastic Search
AWS Repos:
Community Repos:
AWS Repos:
Community Repos:
Community Repos:
AWS Repos:
Community Repos:
AWS Repos:
Community Repos:
alestic/lambdash :fire::fire::fire:
- Lambda shell - Run sh commands inside the Lambda environment.
Alephbet/gimel :fire::fire:
- Run your own A/B testing backend using Lambda.
- Minimal AWS Lambda function manager with Go support.
claudiajs/claudia :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:
- Deploy Node.js projects to Lambda and API Gateway easily.
cloudnative/lambda-chat :fire::fire:
- A chat application without servers.
danilop/LambdAuth :fire::fire::fire::fire:
- Sample authentication service.
eawsy/aws-lambda-go :fire::fire::fire:
- A fast and clean way to execute Go on Lambda.
garnaat/kappa :fire::fire::fire:
- Kappa is a CLI tool that makes it easier to deploy, update, and test functions for AWS Lambda.
goadapp/goad :fire::fire::fire::fire:
- Lambda powered, highly distributed, load testing tool.
graphcool/chromeless :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:
- Automate Chrome through Lambda.
grycap/scar :fire::fire::fire:
- Transparently execute containers out of Docker images in AWS Lambda.
jeremydaly/lambda-api :fire::fire::fire::fire:
- Lightweight web framework for your serverless applications.
jimpick/lambda-comments :fire::fire::fire:
- Blog commenting system built with Lambda.
jorgebastida/gordon :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:
- λ Gordon is a tool to create, wire and deploy AWS Lambdas using CloudFormation.
ks888/LambStatus :fire::fire::fire::fire:
- A status page system inspired by, built on AWS Lambda.
kubek2k/lambdoku :fire::fire::fire:
- Heroku-like experience when using Lambda.
lambci/lambci :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:
- A continuous integration system built on Lambda.
littlstar/s3-lambda :fire::fire::fire::fire:
- Lambda functions over S3 objects with concurrency control (each, map, reduce, filter).
mentum/lambdaws :fire::fire::fire::fire:
- Deploy, run and get results in a breeze.
Miserlou/Zappa :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:
- Serverless WSGI Python Web Apps with AWS Lambda + API Gateway.
nficano/python-lambda :fire::fire::fire::fire:
- A toolkit for developing and deploying serverless Python code in Lambda.
serverless/serverless :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:
The Serverless Application Framework (formerly JAWS).
Tim-B/grunt-aws-lambda :fire::fire:
- Grunt plugin.
trek10inc/aws-lambda-debugger :fire::fire:
- Remote debugging tool for Lambda functions running on Node 6.10
Machine Learning
AWS Repos:
Community Repos:
Mobile Analytics
AWS Repos:
Community Repos:
AWS Repos:
Community Repos:
AWS Repos:
Community Repos:
- A full featured web application for writing and running Redshift
queries. Supports revision tracking of queries and has basic visualization support.
getredash/redash :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:
- A web application that allows to easily query an existing database, share the dataset and visualize it in different ways. Initially was developed to work with Redshift, and has great support for it.
- A simple tool to monitor and manage a Redshift cluster. The first release has basic tools to monitor running queries, WLM queue and your tables/schemas.
Route 53
AWS Repos:
Community Repos:
Community Repos:
anomalizer/ngx_aws_auth :fire::fire:
- Implements proxying of authenticated requests.
bloomreach/s4cmd :fire::fire::fire::fire:
- S3 command line tool, faster than S3cmd for large files.
CulturalMe/meteor-slingshot :fire::fire::fire:
- Upload files in meteor.
danilop/yas3fs :fire::fire::fire:
- Yet Another S3-backed File System, inspired by s3fs.
- Node.js app to manage buckets.
jubos/fake-s3 :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:
- Lightweight S3 clone that simulates most commands.
kahing/goofys :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:
- a Filey System for Amazon S3 written in Go.
littlstar/s3renity :fire::fire::fire::fire:
- Batch functions with concurrency control (each, map, reduce, filter, join)
marcel/aws-s3 :fire::fire::fire:
- Ruby implementation of Amazon’s S3 REST API.
mardix/flask-cloudy :fire::fire:
- Flask extension.
MathieuLoutre/grunt-aws-s3 :fire::fire:
- Grunt plugin.
mickael-kerjean/filestash :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:
- A modern web client for S3.
minio/mc :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:
- Minio Client for filesystem and cloud storage.
minio/minio :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:
- Object storage server compatible with S3.
mumrah/s3-multipart :fire:
- Parallel upload/download to S3 via Python.
ncw/rclone :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:
- Rsync for various cloud storage providers such as S3.
owocki/s3_disk_util :fire:
- S3 Disk usage (du) utility.
peak/s5cmd :fire::fire::fire:
- Fast S3 and local filesystem execution tool with wildcard and batch command support.
pgherveou/gulp-awspublish :fire::fire:
- Gulp plugin.
rlmcpherson/s3gof3r :fire::fire::fire::fire:
- Fast, concurrent, streaming access, includes a CLI.
s3git/s3git :fire::fire::fire::fire:
- CLI tool that allows you to create a distributed, decentralized and versioned repository.
s3fs-fuse/s3fs-fuse :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:
- Allows Linux and Mac OS X to mount an S3 bucket via FUSE.
s3tools/s3cmd :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:
- CLI for managing S3 and CloudFront.
schickling/git-s3 :fire::fire:
- Deploy your git repo to a bucket.
sorentwo/carrierwave-aws :fire::fire:
- Adapter for CarrierWave.
spring-projects/aws-maven :fire::fire:
- Maven Wagon for S3.
tongwang/s3fs-c :fire:
- Mounts buckets for use on a local file system.
mishudark/s3-parallel-put :fire::fire:
- CLI that supports parallel uploads.
waynehoover/s3_direct_upload :fire::fire::fire:
- Direct Upload to Amazon S3 With CORS
weavejester/clj-aws-s3 :fire:
- Client library for Clojure.
Community Repos:
Simple Workflow
AWS Repos:
Community Repos:
Community Repos:
AWS Repos:
Community Repos:
AWS Repos:
Community Repos:
AWS Repos:
Community Repos:
Community Repos:
AWS Repos:
Community Repos:
Accompanying Repos
AWS Repos:
Repos Accompanying Blogs, Training Events, and Conferences.
Community Repos:
Miscellaneous Repos
AWS Repos:
Community Repos:
bcoe/thumbd :fire::fire:
- Node.js/ImageMagick-based image thumbnailing service.
cdkpatterns/serverless :fire::fire::fire::fire:
- Deployable serverless architecture patterns built in AWS CDK.
Comcast/cmb :fire::fire:
- Highly available, horizontally scalable queuing and notification service.
convox/rack :fire::fire::fire::fire:
- Open-source PaaS on AWS.
devops-israel/aws-inventory :fire::fire:
- Display all your AWS resources on a single web page.
donnemartin/dev-setup :fire::fire::fire::fire:
- Mac setup of various developer tools and AWS services.
dtan4/terraforming :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:
- Export existing resources to Terraform style (tf, tfstate).
segmentio/stack :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:
- A set of Terraform modules for configuring production infrastructure.
- Deploy micro instances to launch a coordinated siege.
jpillora/grunt-aws :fire:
- Grunt interface into the Node.JS SDK.
jvehent/haproxy-aws :fire::fire:
- Documentation on building a HTTPS stack with HAProxy.
localstack/localstack :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:
- A fully functional local AWS cloud stack. Develop and test your cloud apps offline!
meducation/propono :fire::fire:
- Easy-to-use pub/sub in Ruby.
mozilla/awsbox :fire::fire::fire:
- A featherweight PaaS on top of EC2 for deploying node apps.
Netflix/aminator :fire::fire::fire:
- A tool for creating EBS AMIs.
Netflix/archaius :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:
- Library for configuration management API.
Netflix/asgard :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:
- Web interface for application deployments and cloud management.
Netflix/aws-autoscaling :fire::fire:
- Tools for using auto scaling and documentation best practices.
Netflix/chaosmonkey :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:
- Resiliency tool that helps applications tolerate random instance failures.
Netflix/eureka :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:
- Service registry for resilient mid-tier load balancing and failover.
Netflix/EVCache :fire::fire::fire::fire:
- A distributed in-memory data store.
Netflix/Fenzo :fire::fire::fire:
- Extensible Scheduler for Mesos Frameworks.
Netflix/ice :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:
- Usage and cost monitoring tool.
Netflix/ribbon :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:
- Remote procedure call library with built in software load balancers.
Netflix/SimianArmy :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:
- Tools to keep your cloud operating in top form.
Netflix/zuul :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:
- Edge service that provides dynamic routing, monitoring, resiliency, security, and more.
niftylettuce/gulp-aws-splash :fire::fire:
- Open-source LaunchRock alternative. Build beautiful splash pages.
puppetlabs/puppetlabs-aws :fire:
- Puppet module for managing resources to build out infrastructure.
mhart/react-server-routing-example :fire::fire:
- Sample universal client/server routing and data in React.
Similarweb/finala :fire::fire::fire:
- A resource cloud scanner that analyzes and reports wasteful and unused resources to cut unwanted expenses.
snowplow/snowplow :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:
- Enterprise-strength web, mobile and event analytics, powered by Hadoop, Kafka, Kinesis, Redshift and Elasticsearch.
Spinnaker/spinnaker :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:
- Successor to asgard supporting pipelines and more.
spulec/moto :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:
- Allows your python tests to easily mock out the boto library.
Guides, Books, Documentation, and Training
How-to’s, training, whitepapers, docs, and case studies.
Getting Started Guides
AWS Guides:
Community Guides:
General Guides
AWS Guides:
Community Guides:
Case Studies: Powered by AWS
Blogs, discussion groups, conferences, and social media.
AWS Blogs:
Community Blogs:
AWS Tweeps:
Community Tweeps:
Facebook Pages
AWS Pages:
Community Pages:
YouTube Channels
AWS Channels:
Community Channels:
LinkedIn Groups
AWS Page:
Community Groups:
AWS Conferences:
re:Invent - Annual user conference. The event features keynote announcements, training and certification opportunities, over 250 technical sessions, a partner expo, after hours activities, and more.
Summits - Global one-day events that are designed to educate new customers about the AWS platform and offer existing customers deep technical content to be more successful with AWS.
AWSome Day - Global one-day events are delivered by AWS Education’s technical instructors and are ideal for IT pros, developers and technical managers who would like to learn about how to get started in the AWS Cloud.
Community Conferences:
Latest KPIs and Stats
Latest key performance indicators and other interesting stats.
- Over 1 million customers active in past 30 days.1
- $7B+ annual revenue run-rate business.1
- 81% year over year revenue growth.1
- EC2 usage up 95% year over year.1
- S3 data transfer up 120% year over year.1
- S3 holds trillions of objects and regularly peaks at 1.5 million requests per second.2
- Database services usage up 127% year over year.1
- $1B annual revenue run-rate business.1
- 2 million new EBS volumes created per day.4
- Customers have launched more than 15 million Hadoop clusters.3
- 102Tbps network capacity into a data center.2
- 500+ major new features and services launched since 2014.1
- All 14 other cloud providers combined have 1/5th the aggregate capacity of AWS.2
- Every day, AWS adds enough new server capacity to support all of Amazon’s global infrastructure when it was a $7B annual revenue enterprise (in 2004).2
Appendix of Core Services
Appendix of official services, grouped by service category.
Services in Plain English
Compute Services
Auto Scaling - Launches or terminates EC2 instances based on policies, schedules, and health checks.
Batch - Run batch jobs at scale.
Blox - Open source projects for building custom schedulers on ECS.
EC2 Container Service (ECS) - Supports Docker containers on EC2 instances.
EC2 Systems Manager - Easily configure and manage EC2 and on-premises systems.
Elastic Beanstalk - Provides quick deployment and management of applications in the cloud.
Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) - Provides scalable virtual private servers using Xen.
Elastic GPUs - Attach low-cost GPUs to EC2 instances for graphics acceleration.
Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) - Automatically distributes incoming traffic across multiple EC2 instances.
Lambda - Runs code in response to events and automatically manages EC2 instances.
Lightsail - Launch and manage simple virtual private servers.
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) - Creates a logically isolated set of EC2 instances which can be connected to an existing network using a VPN connection.
Networking Services
Direct Connect - Provides dedicated connections to AWS for faster and cheaper data throughput.
Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) - Automatically distributes incoming traffic across multiple EC2 instances.
Route 53 - Provides a highly available and scalable Domain Name System (DNS) web service.
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) - Creates a logically isolated set of EC2 instances which can be connected to an existing network using a VPN connection.
Enterprise Applications
Analytics Services
Athena - Query data on S3 instantly.
Data Pipeline - Provides workload management by processing and moving data between services.
Elastic MapReduce (EMR) - Hosts a Hadoop and Spark framework running on EC2 and S3.
Elasticsearch Service (ES) - Managed Elasticsearch, a popular open-source search and analytics engine.
Glue - Prepare and load data to data stores.
Kinesis - Provides real-time data processing over large, distributed data streams.
Kinesis Analytics - Write standard SQL queries on streaming data without having to learn any new programming skills.
Kinesis Firehose - Captures and automatically loads streaming data into S3 and Redshift.
Quicksight - Provides cloud-powered business intelligence for 1/10th the cost of traditional BI solutions.
Redshift - Provides petabyte-scale data warehousing with columnar storage and multi-node compute.
Artificial Intelligence
Lex - Build conversational interfaces through voice or text.
Machine Learning - Provides managed machine learning technology.
Polly - Turn text into lifelike speech.
Rekognition - Deep learning-based image analysis.
CloudFormation - Provides a file-based interface for provisioning other resources.
CloudTrail - Provides logs of all activity.
CloudWatch - Provides monitoring for AWS cloud resources and applications, starting with EC2.
Command Line Interface (CLI) - Provides a CLI to manage all services.
Config - Provides a detailed view of all resources.
Management Console (AWS Console) - A web-based interface to manage all services.
OpsWorks - Provides configuration of EC2 services using Chef.
Personal Health Dashboard - Your personalized view of service health.
Service Catalog - Service Catalog allows IT administrators to create, manage, and distribute portfolios of approved products to end users, who can then access the products they need in a personalized portal.
Security and Identity Services
Certificate Manager - Lets you easily provision, manage, and deploy SSL/TLS certificates for use with AWS services.
CloudHSM - Helps meet corporate, contractual and regulatory compliance requirements for data security by using dedicated Hardware Security Module (HSM) appliances within the AWS cloud.
Directory Service - A managed service that allows you to connect your resources with an existing on-premises Microsoft Active Directory or to set up a new, stand-alone directory in the AWS Cloud.
Identity and Access Management (IAM) - An implicit service, the authentication infrastructure used to authenticate access to the various services.
Inspector - An automated security assessment service that helps improve the security and compliance of applications deployed on AWS.
Key Management Service (KMS) - A managed service that makes it easy for you to create and control the encryption keys used to encrypt your data.
Shield - Managed DDoS Protection.
WAF - A web application firewall service that monitors and manages CloudFront distributions.
Internet of Things Service
IoT - Enables secure, bi-directional communication between internet-connected things (such as sensors, actuators, embedded devices, or smart appliances) and the AWS cloud over MQTT and HTTP.
Mobile Services
API Gateway - Service for publishing, maintaining and securing web service APIs.
Cognito - Provides user identity and data synchronization.
Device Farm - App testing service for iOS, Android and Fire OS apps on physical devices.
Mobile Analytics - Service for collecting, visualizing, and understanding app usage data.
Mobile Hub - Provides an integrated console that helps you build, test, and monitor your mobile apps.
Pinpoint - Targeted push notifications for mobile apps.
Simple Notification Service (SNS) - Provides a hosted multi-protocol “push” messaging for applications.
Storage and Content Delivery Services
CloudFront - A content delivery network (CDN) for distributing objects to locations near the requester.
Elastic Block Store (EBS) - Provides persistent block-level storage volumes for EC2.
Elastic File System (EFS) - A file storage service for EC2 instances.
Glacier - Provides a low-cost, long-term storage option, intended for archiving data.
Import/Export - Accelerates moving large amounts of data into and out of AWS using portable storage devices for transport.
Simple Storage Service (S3) - Provides Web Service based storage.
Storage Gateway - An iSCSI block storage virtual appliance with cloud-based backup.
Aurora - MySQL and PostgreSQL compatible relational database with improved performance.
DynamoDB - Provides a scalable, low-latency NoSQL online Database Service backed by SSDs.
ElastiCache - Provides in-memory caching for web apps (Memcached, Redis).
Redshift - Provides petabyte-scale data warehousing with columnar storage and multi-node compute.
Relational Database Service (RDS) - Provides a scalable database server with MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and MariaDB support.
Schema Conversion Tool - App that helps you convert your database schema from an Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server database, to an RDS MySQL DB instance or an Aurora DB cluster.
SimpleDB - Allows developers to run queries on structured data.
Application Services
Miscellaneous Services
Fulfillment Web Service - Provides a programmatic web service for sellers to ship items to and from Amazon using Fulfillment by Amazon.
Mechanical Turk - Manages small units of work distributed among many persons.
Partner Network (APN) - Provides partners with the technical information and sales and marketing support to increase business opportunities.
Product Advertising API - Provides access to product data and electronic commerce functionality.
Check out the Credits page
Other Awesome Lists
Other awesome lists can be found in awesome
and awesome-awesomeness
Feel free to contact me to discuss any issues, questions, or comments.
My contact info can be found on my GitHub page.
I am providing code and resources in this repository to you under an open source license. Because this is my personal repository, the license you receive to my code and resources is from me and not my employer (Facebook).
Copyright 2017 Donne Martin
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0)