Awesome Directus
A curated list of awesome things related to Directus
Directus is a real-time API and App dashboard for managing SQL database content.
Official JS SDK - The JS SDK provides an intuitive interface for the Directus API from within a JavaScript-powered project (Browsers and Node.js).
Official Gatsby Source Plugin - Source plugin for pulling data into Gatsby from a Directus API.
- A set of React components and utilities for Directus Headless CMS.
Flutter SDK - Flutter SDK to provide interface for Directus API.
- PHP SDK to provide easy access to the Directus API.
Lite SDK (TypeScript)
- Query builder for the Directus API (Browser, Deno, Node.js). Bring your own fetch.
Nuxt Directus
- First-Class Nuxt 3 Module for connecting with an Directus instance.
Nuxtus - Provides a Nuxt boilerplate and set of tools to automatically create Nuxt pages from Directus Collections.
- Template repository integrating Directus & Remix into a full-stack monorepo.
Image Scout
- Search and select images found on a variety of royalty free image sites (Pexels, Pixabay, Unsplash & Giphy!).
Editor.js Interface
- Block editor (Editor.js) interface for Directus 9.
Draw Interface
- Free draw interface for Directus app.
User-friendly file paths - Use the folder and file module structure to reference to assets.
Date Picker Interface
- An alternative Date Picker Interface to the original Directus DateTime interface.
Search Sync
- Sync data into a search engine index, supports Algolia, ElasticSearch & MeiliSearch.
- Save key-value pairs as JSON blobs with a progress indicator for completeness.
WordPress-like Slug
- Slug/Permalink interface with support for pre- and suffixes.
Link Meta
- Stores hyperlink metadata into Directus.
Group Modal
- Group interface fields into a modal that can be opened with a button.
Display Link
- Display URLs with an “open in new tab” button.
SQL Panel
- Panel component which shows result of stored SQL query as a table.
SVG Map Picker Interface
- Select a value from a SVG Map box.
Directus Mailer
- An endpoint for sending emails with the Directus Nodemailer service.
Data Grid Interface
- A data grid interface width @revolist/vue3-datagrid
for Directus 9.
SparkLine Display
- A sparkline display with apexcharts
for Directus 9.
Tags M2M
- M2M driven tags interface.
Sanitize HTML
- Sanitize HTML inputs to Directus.
Directus LogSnag
- Sending your events from Directus directly to your phone using LogSnag.
Field Actions
- Adds copy to clipboard and open URL’s action-buttons to fields (interface + display).
Generate Types
- Adds a module for generating typescript types for a Directus JS-SDK connected to that Directus database. Also can generate Python or OpenAPI types.
Computed Interface
- Perform computed value based on other fields.
Inline Form Interface
- Edit M2O relations in an inline form contained in the parent record.
Tab Group Interface
- Display groups as tab panels, as a pretty, space saving alternative to the accordion group.
Woodpecker Build Status
- Adds status bar for Woodpecker pipeline build status to Directus UI.
Imagga Hook
- Hook for file uploads to automatically tag images with Imagga API.
Tiptap Interface & Display
- Tiptap rich text editor interface and display.
API Viewer
- View and run API queries directly from a Module.
Flexible Editor
- A Rich Text Editor (WYSIWYG) with JSON output, that allows to integrate M2A relations to make it extremely flexible.
- A Directus extension that generates blurhashes for uploaded images.
Media AI Bundle
- Two operations to perform image description and OCR.
Directus Copilot
- A bundle including a panel to ask data-aware questions in a chat interface.
OpenAI Automatic Translation
- An operaiton to automatically translate new items via OpenAI.
Machine Learning Operations
- A set of extensions to train, test and use machine learning models.
Tab Group
- A group interface with a tab menu for toggling the visibility of fields within the group.
Drawer Notice
- A notice field that is only visible in the drawer.
Classified Group
- A group to which a class can be assigned for custom styling.
Tokenized Preview
- An endpoint that adds an active auth token to your preview URL.
Umami Analytics
- Add Umami analytics to Directus.
Extension Scripts
Directus Sync
- A CLI tool for synchronizing the schema and configuration of Directus across various environments.
Examples / Showcases
If you’re using Directus in an open source project, you’re very welcome to link this project here.
Official Examples
- Integration examples with Directus.
Nuxt 3 Demo
- Opinionated Nuxt 3 / Directus Starter with Tailwind CSS.
Agency OS
- Fully complete, opinionated agency website template featuring Nuxt and Directus. View Demo.
- A comprehensive, versatile and modern website template based on Nextjs and Directus technologies. It helps you build various types of websites more quickly. View Demo.
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