Awesome Lists with GitHub stars

Awesome GIF Awesome

A curated list of awesome GIF resources.

A list of tools, scripts, libraries, examples & other resources related to the Graphics Interchange Format (GIF).


General Tools





C#</h2> - [dot-screencap ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](]( - A simple libary to record your screen and save it as animated GIF. - [WpfAnimatedGif ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](]( - A simple library to display animated GIF images in WPF. - [XamlAnimatedGif ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](]( - A simple library to display animated GIF images in XAML apps (WPF, WinRT, Windows Phone). - [AnimatedGif ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](]( - A high performance .NET library for reading and creating animated GIFs. ### Haxe - [Gif ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](]( - Haxe GIF encoder. ### Java - [Android-gif-drawable ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](]( - Views and Drawable for displaying animated GIFs on Android. - [gifanimateddrawable ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](]( - Use an animated GIF as an Android Drawable. - [GifView ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](]( - Android library to deal with GIF. - [Gif Movie View ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](]( - Android View widget for displaying GIF animations. - [GifImageView ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](]( - Android ImageView that handles animated GIF images. - [Gif-animation ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](]( - Processing library to play and export GIF. - [Android-gif-encoder ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](]( - Animated GIF encoder for Android. - [GIFDroid ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](]( - Android video to GIF converter. - [Android-GifStitch ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](]( - Create and share animated GIFs. ### JavaScript - [Gif.js ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](]( - Create GIF from the DOM. - [Omggif ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](]( - GIF 89a encoder and decoder. - [Animated_GIF ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](]( - JavaScript library for creating animated GIFs. - [Gifffer ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](]( - JavaScript library that prevents the autoplaying of the animated GIFs. - [Gifplayer ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](]( - JQuery plugin to play and stop animated GIFs. - [Jsgif ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](]( - JavaScript GIF parser and player. - [node-gify ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](]( - JavaScript convert videos to GIFs using ffmpeg and gifsicle. - [Gifencoder ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](]( - Server side animated GIF generation for Node.js. - [Gif-video ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](]( - JavaScript Convert a GIF image into an HTML5-ready video. - [Gif-player ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](]( - On-demand GIF loader/player in JavaScript. - [GifgifLab-face ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](]( - Facial-emotion detectors. - [node-youtube ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](]( - YouTube to snapshots and GIFs. ### PHP - [GifCreator ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](]( - PHP class that creates animated GIF from multiple images. - [Spacer.gif ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](]( - PHP script offering spacer.gif 1x1. - [GifFrameExtractor ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](]( - PHP class that separates all the frames of an animated GIF. ### Objective-C - [UIimage from GIF ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](]( - UIImage category that loads animated GIFs. - [GIFRefreshControl ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](]( - "Twitter music" and "Yahoo! Weather" like pull-to-refresh control. - [UIImageView-PlayGIF ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](]( - UIImageView category/subclass for playing GIF. - [FLAnimatedImage ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](]( - GIF engine for iOS by FlipBoard. - [Animated-GIF-iPhone ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](]( - Support for Animated GIF on iOS. - [UzysAnimatedGifPullToRefresh ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](]( - PullToRefresh using animated GIF to any scrollView. - [SvGifView ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](]( - iOS load and display GIF. - [GifHUD ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](]( - iOS progress hud for displaying only animated GIF images. - [Video-Background GIF ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](]( - iOS Video Background GIF. - [AnimatedGifExample ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](]( - iOS animated and transparent GIFs. ### Swift - [SwiftyGif ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](]( - High performance & easy to use Gif engine. - [Gifu ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](]( - Animated GIF support for iOS in Swift. ## GUI - [Glyph]( - Tool for generating seamlessly looping GIFs and cinemagraphs from videos. - [Qgifer]( - [GifPro ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](]( - GIF encoder for Mac. ## Hosting - [Gfycat]( - Maximum GIF/video length: 15 seconds. Maximum file upload is 300Mb. - [Imgur]( - Maximum file upload is 50MB. ## Online Tools - [Vid2gif]( - Video to GIF by imgur. - [EzGif]( - Online GIF maker and image editor. - [Giflr]( - A web app for making or remixing animated GIFs. ## Community - []( - [/r/educationalgifs]( ## Scripts ### Frames to GIF FFmpeg ```bash ffmpeg -f image2 -i image%d.jpg animated.gif ``` Imagemagick ```bash convert -delay 20 -loop 0 frames*.png animated.gif ``` Bash script (``````) for GraphicsMagick, ImageMagick, FFmpeg ```bash #!/bin/bash if [ $# -ne 5 ]; then echo "please provide the moviename and directory where to store the frames" echo "./ [directory] [movie.mp4] [filename.gif] [gm|im|ffmpeg] [png|jpg]" exit 1 fi if [ "png" == "$5" ]; then suffix="png" else suffix="jpg" fi CONVERT=$(which convert) GM=$(which gm) FFMPEG=$(which ffmpeg) FFPROBE=$(which ffprobe) FPS=$($FFPROBE -show_streams -select_streams v -i "$2" 2>/dev/null | grep "r_frame_rate" | cut -d'=' -f2 | cut -d'/' -f1) echo "FPS: ${FPS}" if [ "im" == "$4" ]; then # use imagemagick FPS=$(echo "1 / ${FPS} * 100" |bc -l) $CONVERT "$1/*.${suffix}" -delay ${FPS} -loop 0 "$3" elif [ "gm" == "$4" ]; then # use graphicsmagick FPS=$(echo "1 / ${FPS} * 100" |bc -l) $GM convert "$1/*.${suffix}" -delay ${FPS} -loop 0 "$3" else # use crappy gif-algorithm from ffmpeg $FFMPEG -f image2 -framerate ${FPS} -i "$1/%08d.${suffix}" "$3" fi ``` From [DeepDreamVideo ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](](, [source ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](]( ### GIF to frames ```bash ffmpeg -i video.mpg image%d.jpg ``` ```bash convert -coalesce animated.gif image%05d.png ``` ### High quality GIF with ffmpeg / based on this [article]( - Generate a palette : ```bash #!/bin/sh start_time=30 duration=3 ffmpeg -y -ss $start_time -t $duration -i input.avi \ -vf fps=10,scale=320:-1:flags=lanczos,palettegen palette.png ``` - Output the GIF using the palette : ```bash #!/bin/sh start_time=30 duration=3 ffmpeg -ss $start_time -t $duration -i input.avi -i palette.png -filter_complex \ "fps=10,scale=320:-1:flags=lanczos[x];[x][1:v]paletteuse" output.gif ``` ### Optimize GIF ``` convert -layers Optimize output.gif output_optimized.gif ``` ### Lossy GIF Compressor ```bash ./gifsicle -O3 --lossy=80 -o lossy-compressed.gif input.gif ``` [Lossy Gif]( ### Making GIF from video ```python from moviepy.editor import * clip = (VideoFileClip("input.avi") .subclip((4,00.00),(5,00.00)) .resize(0.3)) clip.write_gif("output.gif") ``` [article]( ### Cinemagraphs Freezing a region ```python from moviepy.editor import * clip = (VideoFileClip("input.avi") .subclip((4,00.00),(5,00.00)) .resize(0.3) .fx(vfx.freeze_region, outside_region=(170, 230, 380, 320))) clip.write_gif("output.gif", fps=15) ``` [article]( ```bash ffmpeg \ -ss ${starttime} -t ${duration} -i ${vidfile} `# body of loop` \ -ss TODO ${starttime} MINUS ${duration} -t ${fadetime} -i ${vidfile} `# lead-in for crossfade` \ -loop 1 -i ${stillfile} `# masked still image` \ -filter_complex " [0:v]setpts=PTS-STARTPTS[vid]; `# speed adjustment - not needed here, so noop` color=white,scale=3840x2160,fade=in:st=0:d=${fadetime}[alpha]; `# crossfade alpha, double length ahead of speed change` [1:v][alpha]alphamerge[am]; `# apply alpha to lead-in` [am]setpts=PTS+(${duration}-${fadetime})/TB[layer2]; `# speed adjustment and offset for lead-in` [vid][layer2]overlay[oo]; `# overlay for crossfade` [oo][2:v]overlay=shortest=1[out1]; `# overlay still image` [out1]crop=w=${cropfactor}*iw:h=${cropfactor}*ih:y=${yoffset}*ih,scale=${outputwidth}:-1, `# crop and scale` eq=gamma=${gamma}:contrast=${contrast}:saturation=${saturation},unsharp `# final adjustments` " -an output.mp4 ``` ### Perfect Loop ```python import moviepy.editor as mp from import FramesMatches clip = mp.VideoFileClip("input.avi").resize(0.3) scenes = FramesMatches.from_clip(clip, 10, 3) selected_scenes = scenes.select_scenes(2, 1, 4, 0.5) selected_scenes.write_gifs(clip.resize(width=450), "./outputs_directory") ``` [article]( ### YouTube video to GIF - Download it via youtube-dl and then convert it. ``` youtube-dl ``` [Youtube-dl]( ### Grabbing each frame of an HTML5 Canvas Using [PhantomJS]( Example with this [canvas]( ```javascript var webPage = require('webpage'); var fs = require('fs'); var page = webPage.create(); var NB_FRAME = 100; var current = 0;'', function(status) { if (status === "success") { var current = 0; var grabber = setInterval(function () { var frame = page.evaluate(function() { return document.getElementById('mycanvas').toDataURL("image/png").split(",")[1]; }); fs.write("./frame-" + current + ".png",atob(frame), 'wb'); if (++current === NB_FRAME) { window.clearInterval(grabber); phantom.exit(0); } }, 1000); } }); ``` ## Miscellaneous - [Why is the GIF I created so slow?]( - Using ImageMagick to solve problems concerning GIF speed. ## Use The best ways to use this list are: - By browing the [contents](#contents). - By using command + F to search the contents ## Credits By [Craig Davison]( and contributors. Based on a [recovered list ![GitHub Repo Stars]( ![GitHub last commit](]( by [Ismail Baaj](