A curated list of awesome RethinkDB resources, libraries, tools and applications
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RethinkDB Ecosystem
JavaScript Libraries
RethinkDB Team
JS Data Organization
Hao-kang Den
Thomas Eng
Matt Wielbut
Hao-kang Den
RethinkDB Team
Python Libraries
RethinkDB Team
Andrei Horak
Kevin Amerson
Andrei Horak
RethinkDB Team
Ruby Libraries
RethinkDB Team
Nicolas Viennot
Vinh Quốc Nguyễn
Angelo Ashmore
RethinkDB Team
Java Libraries
RethinkDB Team
Dave Hrycyszyn
Anton Ustyuzhanin
Peter Knego
RethinkDB Team
Additional Languages
Research And Training
[Shahid Shaikh | 08-Mar-16](https://codeforgeek.com/2016/03/building-real-time-polling-app-rethinkdb-nodejs/) - Building real time polling app using RethinkDB and Nodejs. |
[Dr. Gleb Bahmutov PhD | 08-Feb-16](https://glebbahmutov.com/blog/redux-and-rethinkdb/) - Redux and RethinkDB |
[Scott Hasbrouck | 13-Mar-16](http://www.scotthasbrouck.com/blog/2016/3/13/using-socketio-with-rethinkdb-changefeeds-to-build-a-reactive-backend) - Using Socket.Io With RethinkDB Changefeeds To Build A Reactive JavaScript Stack |
[Khalid Abuhakmeh | 15-Nov-15](http://www.khalidabuhakmeh.com/getting-started-with-rethinkdb-and-asp-net-5) - Getting Started With RethinkDB and ASP.NET 5. |
[Slava Akhmechet | 01-Sept-15](http://www.infoworld.com/article/2975838/database/build-real-time-web-apps-with-rethinkdb.html) - Build real-time Web apps with RethinkDB. |
[Justin for Fanout | 20-May-15](http://blog.fanout.io/2015/05/20/building-a-realtime-api-with-rethinkdb/) - Building a realtime API with RethinkDB. |
[Nicholas Duffy | 30-Apr-15](https://strongloop.com/strongblog/rethinkdb-connector-loopback-node-js-framework/) - Getting Started with the RethinkDB Connector for LoopBack. |
[Rob Conery | 17-Apr-15](http://rob.conery.io/2015/04/17/rethinkdb-2-0-is-amazing/) - RethinkDB 2.0 Is Amazing. |
[Gordon Dent | 01-Apr-15](https://www.airpair.com/rethinkdb/posts/moving-from-sql-to-rethinkdb) - A Comprehensive Guide to moving from SQL to RethinkDB. |
[Gordon Dent | 11-Mar-15](http://blog.workshape.io/we-use-rethinkdb-at-workshapeio/) - We use RethinkDB at Workshape.io. |
[Michael Glukhovsky at Clevertech | 30-Mar-16](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28XKxLPv0Hs) - RethinkDB Presentation to Clevertech. |
[Ryan Paul at ForwardJS | 21-Jan-16](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCU9RHDWXIY) - RethinkDB: Database for realtime apps. |
[Rob Conery at DevDay 2015 | 17-Sept-15](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ee1v_SuECRk) - Rethinking NoSQL. |
[Jorge Silva at RethinkDB Meetup | 29-June-15](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJtDNRsUozk) - Data Modeling in RethinkDB. |
[Ben Tranter | 05-Apr-15](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d01rLeIjTLE) - A Simple REST API with Express, RethinkDB, and Thinky. |
[Ryan Paul at Mattermark | 17-Feb-15](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhb63boH8E8) - Build a realtime RethinkDB cluster monitoring app with live graphs. |