Awesome Lists with GitHub stars
This is a list of must-watch videos devoted to JavaScript
David Neal:
JavaScript: Past, Present and Future
Rich Harris:
Rethinking reactivity
Mathias Bynens & Sathya Gunasekaran:
What’s new in JavaScript?
Maxim Koretskyi:
JSConf EU: A sneak peek into super optimized code in JS frameworks
Una Kravets:
CSS Houdini & The Future of Styling
Jake Archibald:
In The Loop
Malte Ubl:
Designing very large JavaScript application
Ryan Dahl:
10 Things I Regret About Node.js
Mathias Bynens & Benedikt Meurer:
JavaScript Engines: The Good Parts™
Ronen Amiel:
Build your own webpack
Addy Osmani:
The Cost Of JavaScript
Erin Zimmer:
Further Adventures of the Event Loop
Laurie Voss:
npm and the Future of JavaScript
Lin Clark:
A Cartoon Intro to Fiber
Yoav Weiss:
Caches All the Way Down!
Franziska Hinkelmann:
JavaScript engines - how do they even?
Anjana Vakil:
Immutable data structures for functional JS
Brendan Eich:
JavaScript in 2016: Beyond Harmony
André Staltz:
Brains as building blocks
Cheng Lou:
On the Spectrum of Abstraction
Anjana Vakil:
Learning Functional Programming with JavaScript
Kyle Simpson:
Advanced Async and Concurrency Patterns in JavaScript
Dr. Axel Rauschmayer:
Using ECMAScript 6 today
Part 1
Part 2
Brendan Eich:
ECMAScript Harmony: Rise of the Compilers
Andreas Gal:
Dirty Performance Secrets of HTML5
Andre Staltz:
What if the user was a function?
Gilmore Davidson:
Time zone of your life
Elijah Manor:
Eliminate JavaScript Code Smells
Dan Abramov:
Live React: Hot Reloading with Time Travel
Brain Ford:
Problem solving in the open source world
Kris Kowal:
A General Theory of Reactivity
Ilya Grigorik:
Website Performance Optimization
(Udacity course)
Mark DiMarco:
User Interface Algorithms
Neil Green:
Writing Custom DSLs
Eric Bidelman:
Polymer and Web Components change everything you know about Web development
Alex Russell, Jake Archibald:
Bridging the gap between the web and apps
Scott Hanselman:
Virtual Machines, JavaScript and Assembler
Jafar Husain:
Async JavaScript with Reactive Extensions
John-David Dalton:
Unorthodox Performance
Gary Bernhardt:
The Birth & Death of Javascript
Addy Osmani:
Memory Management Masterclass
Reginald Braithwaite:
Invent the future, don’t recreate the past
Kyle Simpson:
Syncing Async
Ariya Hidayat:
JavaScript and the Browser: Under the Hood
Jafar Husain:
Version 7: The Evolution of JavaScript
David Nolen:
Immutability: Putting The Dream Machine To Work
Pete Hunt:
OSCON 2014: How Works
Philip Roberts:
JSConf EU: What the heck is the event loop anyway?
Mark Stuart:
Paypal: Web Security in Node.js and Javascript Apps (SPAs)
Nat Duca, Tom Wiltzius:
Jank Free: Chrome Rendering Performance
Ilya Grigorik:
Automating Performance Best Practices with PageSpeed
Eric Bidelman:
Web Components
Alex Komoroske, Matthew McNulty:
Web Components in Action
Paul Lewis, Peter Beverloo:
Device Agnostic Development
John McCutchan, Loreena Lee:
A Trip Down Memory Lane with Gmail and DevTools
Joe Marini:
Upgrading to a Chrome Packaged App
Pete Hunt:
React: Rethinking best practices
Martin Kleppe:
1024+ Seconds of JS Wizardry
Yehuda Katz:
A tale of two MVC’s
Vyacheslav Egorov:
Performance and Benchmarking
Brendan Eich:
JavaScript at 18: Legal to Gamble
Mathias Bynens:
JavaScript ♥ Unicode
Mark Trostler:
Testable JavaScript - Architecting Your Application for Testability
James Shore:
The Definitive Guide to Object-Oriented Javascript
Ryan Sandor Richards:
Garbage Collection & Heap Management
Addy Osmani:
Scaling Your JavaScript Applications
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
John-David Dalton:
Gary Bernhardt:
Angus Croll:
Break all the rules
Nicholas Zakas:
Maintainable JavaScript
Douglas Crockford:
Principles of Security
Brian Leroux:
Douglas Crockford:
Level 7: ECMAScript 5: The New Parts
Douglas Crockford:
Section 8: Programming Style and Your Brain
Ryan Dahl:
Introduction to Node.js
Alex Russell:
Learning to Love JavaScript
Douglas Crockford:
Volume One: The Early Years
Douglas Crockford:
Chapter 2: And Then There Was JavaScript
Douglas Crockford:
Act III: Function the Ultimate
Douglas Crockford:
Episode IV: The Metamorphosis of Ajax
Douglas Crockford:
Part 5: The End of All Things
Douglas Crockford:
Scene 6: Loopage
Nicholas Zakas:
Scalable JavaScript Application Architecture
Douglas Crockford:
JavaScript: The Good Parts