Awesome Events in NL
A curated list of Awesome Events in 🇳🇱
This list contains awesome (tech related) events happening (and are mostly recurring) in The Netherlands like: conferences, meetups and parties 🎉
Contributions welcome. Add links through pull requests or create an issue to start a discussion.
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Makersclub - Bimonthly casual drinkup without an agenda.
EuRuKo - An annual European conference about Ruby (2019).
NodeSchool - Monthly meetup about learning Node.js.
Crowdsource - Crowdsource ideas for startups.
CocoaHeads - Monthly meetup about iOS and MacOS development.
CoderDojo - Monthly workshops for kids (7-17) to learn to code.
Design by Fire Café - Conferences and Gatherings on Interaction Design.
Lanyrd - Directory of conferences and events.
Meetup - Directory of meetups.