Tools to help prioritize above-the-fold CSS
Prioritize above-the-fold content first.
For best performance, PageSpeed Insights recommends inlining the critical (above-the-fold) CSS of your page directly into your HTML. This eliminates additional roundtrips and allows the browser to paint the above-fold experience to your user’s screen sooner. The main idea is:
- Determine the above-the-fold styles for a page and write them between
tags in the head.
- Load all other stylesheets in the footer, ideally asynchronously.
The following is a list of tools to help generate, inline and report on critical-path CSS.
Node modules
- by Jonas Ohlsson generates critical-path CSS
- by Addy Osmani generates & inlines critical-path CSS (uses Penthouse, Oust
and inline-styles)
- by FilamentGroup finds & outputs critical CSS
Server-side modules
- Apache module for automatic PageSpeed optimization
- Nginx module for automatic PageSpeed optimization
Grunt tasks
- PhantomJS script to inline above-the-fold CSS on a page.
Inline sources (styles, scripts)
- by Max Ogden, replaces <link>
tags with inline <style>
tags + inlines CSS url() calls with data URIs
- by Filip Malinowski, replaces <link>
tags with inline <style>
tags, and replaces <script src="">
tags with their inline content
- by Ben Zörb, inline critical path CSS and load existing stylesheets with loadCSS
for Webpack - allows to extract critical CSS for any given page/screen in React apps and inline it into HTML during server-side rendering (SSR). See React Starter Kit
as an example.
Async load CSS
Async loading should be used to fetch the rest of your site-wide styles after you’ve inlined your critical-path CSS.
- loads CSS asynchronously using JS. Research that led to this is also available.
async & conditional loading - POC script for loading CSS files asynchronously and conditionally based on body tag classes
- async script/stylesheet loader
basket.js - async script/resource loader with support for localStorage caching. Can be extended
to load stylesheets.
Note: The Guardian currently also cache their global styles into localStorage for subsequent page loads. More info in this comment.
Render-blocking issues detection
PageSpeed Insights - Online tool that measures the performance of a page for mobile devices and desktop devices. It fetches the url twice, once with a mobile user-agent, and once with a desktop-user agent.
- Node module for PageSpeed Insights reporting as part of your build process. Use directly with Gulp or use grunt-pagespeed
if a Grunt user. For local testing, a write-up using this task and ngrok is available.
PageSpeed Insights DevTools extension - Chrome extension for running PageSpeed tests from inside the browser.
PageSpeed Insights Checker for mobile extension - checks Mobile PageSpeed score for every page and gives you a handy preview.
removes unused CSS from pages, allowing you to reduce the global CSS you may need to load in for your site. Tasks are available for Grunt
, Gulp
and other build tools.