Designing and building a modern frontend in any web project can be a long and arduous process. Here’s a collection of links to help you. Enjoy!
These sites are good to get a general idea of possible layouts and style paths to take.
Awwwards - More awesome sites of various styles.
CodeMyUI - List of code snippets for fancy CSS/JS that make an awesome UI.
CodePen - Central repository of user submitted code concepts/snippets. Great for experiments.
Codrops - Web design/development blog that publishes articles/tutorials about the latest web trends.
CodyHouse - Tutorials and showcase of awesome UI elements.
CSS Winner - Reviewed list of great websites.
Designer News - The best design / development links from the ‘net.
Dribbble - Snaps of icons, doodles, sites, and more from a talented group of people.
Httpster - A curated list of the best sites around the Internet.
Landings - Find the best landing pages for your design inspiration based on your preference.
OnePageLove - Great influence for one page and general website design.
SaaS Pages - An inspection of Netlify’s page made especially to bring you inspiration.
Siiimple - Another list of sites, but on the much simpler side.
SiteInspire - Get inspired.
TheBestDesigns - General list of hand picked sites from across the web.
These sites are good for building a basic framework for the site.
- Colors 🎨
ColorsWall - Place to store your color palettes.
Coolors - Super fast color scheme generator.
Kuler - Easily create or view a custom color swatch for your site.
uiGradients - Gorgous gradient generator.
Spectral - Minimal color swatch creation.
- Fonts
- Frameworks
Bootstrap - Very popular framework for building modern websites and web apps.
- Icons
Icon Scout - Get high-quality Icons, Illustrations and Stock photos at one place.
Iconmonstr - A collection of free, simple icons.
Ionicons - Another great collection of free icons.
- Images
AllTheFreeStock - All the Free stock mmages, videos, sounds and icons in one location.
- - A collection of great stock photo websites.
Unsplash - Free, high quality stock photos.
- Resources
Every painter needs a brush. Well… Most do.
- Design Tools
Figma - Web-based vector graphics editor
Sketch [macOS only] - A professional vector graphics editor
- IDEs
DevSession - Open a collaborative online IDE from a local directory.
FileZilla - For those who fear FTP in the terminal
Hyper - Beautiful, extensible command-line interface
Taskade [macOS only] - Create beautiful task lists and outlines.
- Text Editors
Atom - A hackable text editor for the 21st century.
Brackets - Modern, open source editor with live preview.
Nova [macOS only] - Gorgeous, native text editor.
Sublime Text - A very popular text editor for developers.
- Themes
- It’s flat, purple, and hella sexy.
- Gorgeous dark interface and syntax theme.
VSCode - Free text editor
WinSCP - Upload files to a MEAN stack or VPS server.
Working with a team? These links are for you.
Cloud9 - An awesome, zen way to work with others in the cloud.
Gist - Share code and text with others fast. Like a mini repository.
Invoice Ninja - Open source invoicing platform.
Red Pen - Share your design and get feedback seamlessly.
Scratchpad - A simple, RTC tool for coding and previewing websites.
Every awesome web app needs an awesome backend.
Auth0 - Authentication, done for you.
DigitalOcean - A cheap and quality VPS hosting company.
Firebase - A real-time front-end database for your sites.
Hasura - Platform to build and deploy app backends fast.
Heroku - Cloud application platform; very easy to scale.
Browserling - Cross-browser test your website.
Checkbot - Browser extension that tests your website follows 50+ SEO, speed and security best practices.
CodePen - A free web editor in your browser.
- - Make HTTP requests in the browser.
Localtunnel - Open localhost ports to the world.
Placehold - Generate custom placeholder images of any size.
Postman - A tool to make HTTP requests, generate mock servers and make API documentation.
WooRank - A review tool for SEO elements, W3 validation, and numerous other variables. Free basic service.
Yslow - Tool for analyzing and finding fixes for multiple causes of slow site loading.
Good Reads
Need something to read in your spare time?
1stWebDesign - A good, simple blog on web development and design.
A List Apart - Guest bloggers and full books on topics from coding to business practices.
Codrops - Great collection of design techniques for modern web developmers and designers.
CSS-Tricks - Awesome blog on anything and everything related to CSS
GoodUI - It’s definitely not bad.
Insert HTML - A blog covering current and upcoming techniques and technologies for web developers.
Mentor - Get random advice from other designers and developers.
Smashing Magazine - A magazine for all things digital design.

To the extent possible under law, Noah Buscher has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.